Mother's Submission - Chapter 2

Mother's Submission - Chapter 2

Alex looked down in shock at his mother kneeling before him, clad in the sexy lingerie he had lusted after. "What, how, I mean", Alex stuttered, unable to form a coherent sentence.

Alicia, after recovering from the shock of seeing her son walk through the door, quickly grabbed the blanket off of the hotel bed and covered herself. "You're Frustrated_Dom", she asked, barely believing it.

"Obviously", Alex said as he sank into a chair. "How did this happen?" "Well, we are both obviously missing something in our lives and a computer program thinks we match each other", Alicia said. "But that's insane, isn't it?"

Alex just sat there, stunned, but he couldn't stop the memories from flooding in. Memories of the past several weeks, of talking to the mystery woman who turned out to be his mother. He remembered how she had given him a huge confidence boost and then turned him on.

"Maybe", Alex said hesitantly, "Maybe the computer wasn't wrong." "You can't be serious", Alicia said, shocked at hearing those words come from her son's mouth. Although, if she were being honest with herself, a small part of her was wondering the same thing.

"I don't know", Alex said. "But what I do know is that I've never been happier than I have been these past few weeks. Exploring the dominant side of my personality and not feeling ashamed of my dick has been fucking awesome." He couldn't believe he was using language like this around his own mother, a woman he had always perceived as reserved and prudish. But obviously he had been very wrong, judging by the skimpy clothing she wore.

"And there's the fact that you've become the main focus of all my fantasies and now I want them to become reality", Alex continued. "Can you honestly say that you don't feel the same way?"

Alicia couldn't answer for a moment. As she listened to Alex speak, all she could think about was how happy she had been to find someone who understood her, someone who didn't make her feel like she had to hide part of herself. And there was the truly magnificent cock that she now knew belonged to her son.

"I don't know, Alex", she admitted. "Everyone says it's wrong and, if anyone found out, we could both be in big trouble." "Then let's not let anyone find out", Alex said, confidence returning to his voice. "But we have to at least see if this is as good as it was online. Because I don't want to spend the rest of my life wondering if we passed up on something amazing, simply because we were afraid of what people would say."

Alicia couldn't help but nod as he spoke. He sounded so authoritative and strong and that tone, that firm commanding tone, made her pussy drench the red, lacy thong she was wearing. "Maybe you're right", Alicia said, wanting to see that big dick up close and personal, even though she was trying to fight that thought.

"I am", Alex said, keeping his voice firm and commanding. "After tonight, if we are unhappy with this, we don't have to continue. But, until morning, you're mine." Alicia felt a shiver of excitement run through her, like an electric shock that went straight to her dripping cunt.

"While we are in this hotel, you will refer to me as sir. Do you understand", he said, never letting his voice waver. "Yes sir", Alicia said, unable to fight the words from leaving her mouth. "Good. Then stand up and drop that blanket", Alex said, ready to see the body that had tempted him for so long.

Alicia took a deep breath and stood, her eyes locked onto her son's gaze. A final thought of resistance flitted through her mind, but disappeared quickly, burned out by the desire growing inside her. She released her grasp on the blanket and it fell to the floor, putting her on full display.

Alex stood and walked over to his mother, his eyes surveying her sexy body. "How did I miss how sexy you are", he wondered aloud as he took in her large breasts, perfect stomach, and wonderfully full ass. "Now, let's start this again", he said, his voice firm and commanding. "Kneel."

Alicia quickly dropped to her knees before her son, submitting to his command. "Good girl", Alex said. He walked over to the bed and opened the bag Alicia had brought with her. He removed several sex toys, laying them on the disheveled sheets. Finally, he found what he had been seeking.

He returned to a position in front of her and grasped her long, beautiful hair. Using the hair tie he had just retrieved, he put her hair up in a ponytail. "There, now you're perfect", he said. "Thank you, sir", Alicia said, loving how the words sounded on her lips.

"Now, I want to see the rest of that body", Alex said. "Strip for me", he said as he sat down and turned on music he had ***********ed for this occassion. Alicia listened to the music, feeling it moving through her. She slowly started moving, trying to remember the moves she had learned for tonight.

Alex couldn't believe how incredibly sexy his mother was and, even more, that he had missed it all this time. As she moved to the music, Alicia reached behind her and undid the clasps to her bra. She let it slip down her arms as she turned around, shaking her ass at Alex.

He moaned as he watched her. She was so much sexier than any of the girls he had seen. As she turned around, Alicia dropped her hands, hoping that Alex would like what he saw.

When he got his first look at his mother's bare breasts, Alex groaned audibly. He stopped the music, bringing a look of confusion to her face. "Come here", he said firmly, patting his lap.

Alicia smiled and walked over to her son, straddling his lap. "Like this, sir", she asked. "Just like that", he said as he grabbed her left breast, squeezing firmly. Alicia moaned as Alex kneaded her breast, occasionally tweaking her nipple.

"That feels amazing", Alicia said, her breath getting heavy as her pussy got wet. Alex responded by moving his hand to her other breast and giving it the same treatment. As he did so, he lowered his mouth to her nipple and flicked it with his tongue, then bit gently.

Alicia cried out as she felt and orgasm rush through her body, drenching her panties and soaking Alex's leg. She held onto him for several minutes as she waited for the intense feeling to subside. "Fuck, I've never cum from someone playing with my tits before", she moaned as she looked at her son.

"Good. I'm glad that I'm the first", Alex said, a stern look on his face. "Although, I don't remember giving you permission to cum, slut." Alicia looked down, a feeling of shame mixed with excitement filling her. "I'm sorry, sir. I didn't mean to." "That's irrelevant", Alex said. "Get on the bed, on your hands and knees."

Alicia quickly assumed the position and looked back. Alex took his belt off and walked over to her. "As long as we are here, I am in charge of whether you orgasm or not", he said and swung the belt. Alicia yelped as the leather made contact with her ass.

"I'm sorry, sir. It won't happen again", Alicia said quickly, tears brimming in her eyes. "It better not", Alex said as he swung the belt again. He gave her four swats before stopping, her ass bright red and painful. "Now, suck my dick", he said and Alicia got on her knees on the floor, wincing when her ass touched the carpet.

She grabbed the button of his pants, trying not to appear too eager. But inside she was very excited to see this dick that, up until now, she had only seen in pictures. As she pulled his zipper down, Alex's dick sprang free, nearly hitting his mother in the eye.

"Oh my god", Alicia said, her eyes wide as she unconsciously licked her lips. "You're dick is truly magnificent, sir", she said, unable to take her eyes off of his shaft.

Alicia moaned a little as she stroked her hands up and down his cock. She was amazed at how long and thick it was, much bigger than his father. Without any prompting, she took his dickhead in her mouth, loving how her lips could barely stretch around it.

Alex moaned as he felt his mother's mouth on his cock. She didn't even hesitate, but instead took him in with eagerness. As her tongue teased the hole in his dickhead, she took his shaft deeper into her mouth.

It didn't take long before Alex felt the back of his mother's throat. Over half of his dick was still out of her mouth and he could tell she was fighting not to gag. A small sigh escaped him as he pulled his dick from her mouth.

"What's wrong", Alicia asked, catching her breath. "It's too big", Alex said, the familiar embarrassment and shame rushing back to him. Alicia shook her head and grasped her son's dick.

"No, it's not", she said firmly. "I'm not some little bitch who won't even try. I'm going to take it all." Alex looked directly into his mother's eyes and saw lust and determination burning within her pupils. "Now, ram that monster down my throat. Fuck my face like you're going to fuck my pussy. And don't stop until you're feeding me your cum", Alicia said and then she opened her mouth as wide as possible.

Alex couldn't believe how amazing his mother was, but he felt his confidence returning. He grasped a handful of her hair and thrust his dick into her mouth. It didn't take long before he felt her throat again.

This time, when he felt her gagging, he didn't stop. Instead he pulled back until just the head of his dick was in her mouth, then he thrust forward. He buried at least two inches in her throat, amazed at how it felt when her throat constricted around his shaft.

He repeated this process several times until he managed the impossible. His balls rested against her chin and her throat bulged around his massive cock. "Holy fuck! That feels amazing", Alex moaned as he started fucking her throat, ramming his shaft in and out of her mouth.

It didn't take long before he felt his orgasm building and he thrust forward as hard as he could. Without a word of warning, he exploded, flooding her throat with cum. Then he pulled back and shot the last few spurts into her mouth, letting her taste his seed.

Alicia happily swallowed, loving the taste of her son's cum, almost orgasming from the delicious flavor. After she finished swallowing, Alicia licked his dick clean, making sure she got every inch. Then she looked up in his eyes and smiled. "How was that sir?"

"It was amazing", Alex said as he felt his breathing returning to normal. "Now, get on the bed on your hands and knees. I'm going to destroy that pussy."

To be continued...

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