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Chapter 1: the starting point I am 25 and I work for a company that does social researches: people behavior, response to a particular situation… During election times, we can conduct polls. 80% of our business comes from food brands: what does the consumer need? What are the flavor that he prefers?... What I do in this company is quite simple: I collect data. I am not really found of my job but it does not bore me, I have a decent salary and most of the time my works hour are really correct. If I say most of the time...


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To Love her (II)

“No thanks, I gotta get home or my dad will be really angry,” I had already made myself decent and was trying to figure out how I was going to get home. “Can’t you stay a little longer?” she was now doing her awful pout. “Believe me, I wanna stay but my dad always wants me in the house before five and its already quarter past five so I gotta get going,” I really was sorry to leave but if I didn’t get home soon my father would beat me. (Author’s note) *Corporal punishment is common in Zimbabwe though I am...


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My beautiful step mom birthday story

It was my 16th birthday. I wasn't planning on doing much. Just have cake and ice cream. With a few family and friends. My dad had gone to the coast on a fishing trip. It was six o'clock and a few guest were arriving . To my surprise one of my step mom's coworker's and her son showed up he was just a few months older that me and we had been around each other on other outings. He attended a school that we played against in sports. But away from the guys from our schools we got along good. Now...


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My Wife Is A Slut

My wife is a slut Teasing each other has always been a part of pillow talk for my wife and I. Sarah has always liked dirty talk and I don't mind to oblige her. Recently she discovered how much I like it when she talks about other men. I get jealous but I like to listen to her voice as we pleasure each other. Nothing quite as sexy as her eye contact while she strokes my cock and tells me about some guy she used to fuck until I can't take any more and throw her onto her back so I...


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In the Blink of an Eye

. In the Blink of an Eye. I sit on the bench waiting for the bus feeling alone as usual. I'm almost always surrounded by people, including friends and family, and have a deep unending feeling of being alone on this hunk of rock we call home. I've listened to many conversations of the possible existence of extraterrestrials, and let me tell you, they do exist, just maybe not in the shape and form that you think. When you complete this entry, you'll believe that I am not human, many call me an animal or inhuman, but I truly believe I...


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Encounters with Tom - Sneak Peek and First Encounter

My neighbour is a peeper and his name is Tom. Yes I know very cliché but his name really is Tom. Now I’ve been shy about my body, its curvaceous and yes I’m a bit overweight for my 5ft6 frame, my arse is rounded, my breasts are very large and my thighs are bigger than I would like. However, its all me and so that’s that. Most sunny days I love to wander in the garden topless (at least) sometimes completely nude, smelling the flowers and settling down to soak up the rays. So, anyway, there I was one Saturday afternoon...


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The New Neighbor

“Fuck, man. Carrying all this shit up these stairs is a bitch,” my friend, well, now roommate, Jack complains to me. “It was your idea to get a place upstairs,” I quibble in response. “Yeah, well I didn’t think about the stairs.” My friend and I are a couple of kids entering their freshman year at Hillside College. I know, sounds pretty generic, right? But hey, it’s a good start in a new place for us. “Johnny, go back down and grab the last few boxes.” “Let’s just go get them together,” I say. “Naw man.” “Why not?” “Because I’m too...


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I get a copy of the pics

It was a Friday afternoon and I had finished up my assignment in the Boston area early. I headed to the airport to see if I could catch an earlier flight. I dropped off the rental car and on the bus ride to the terminal got the dreaded airline phone call. My flight was cancelled and I had to go to the counter to make alternate arrangements. Normally they just rebooked me on the next available flight so this was not sounding good. I texted my wife and told her I was delayed and would update her later. I exited the...


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I woke to sun coming through my window and a raging boner. Today was the day, I hopped out of bed I ran a shower, grabbed a bowl of cereal and ran out the door with my camera safely in my backpack. As made the walk to school the sun was warming my face and I was feeling darn right good. I had the whole world going for me .I walked past miss Cs house and hoped she had seen the email.(she must have I had a feeling that today nothing would go against me) Class started and by lunch I...


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Screwing the Pooch or Al's Vacation

As I sat in the tavern drinking beer and shooting the shit with Al, the owner of this fine establishment, we were talking about his problem. It seems that Al’s sister Naomi has been living in Romania and she wants Al to visit her. The only problem is that Al is scared to travel alone and he wants someone to travel with him. That’s where I come in. “Al, I can’t believe that a guy like you is scared to travel alone?” I laughed at him. “I just don’t like going somewhere that people speak another language” Al whined. “But I've...


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