From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 21 re-posted

From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 21 re-posted

From Lonely Housewife to Perverted Slut Chapter 21 re-posted Edited by a friend.
Author's infos
Gender: female Age: Location:
Originally Posted tTrue Story, Anal, Authoritarian, Cheating, Cum Swallowing, Erotica, Exhibitionism, Group Sex, Oral Sex, Wife, Written by women 2nd of May 2015
No persons involved in sexual acts or even witnessing the same are included in this series under the age of consent. A person under the age of consent may be mentioned in passing but he or she as the case may be is only casually attached or included in this series as a casual informal non-participant in any fornication of any nature. This version was modified by Geo.Venereal
continuing story about Joan
From Lonely Housewife to perverted Slut Chapter 21

“I stood in the back and let my eyes adjust to the dark theater before heading to the back row of the theater. I walked to the end of the theater and walked toward the second last row.

I remembered my instructions. “When you go in go to the second last row. Mitch is in the middle of the row.” When I reached Mitch I tapped him on the shoulder. “Excuse me but can I sit on the other side of you.” I asked looking down at him.

I looked up at the screen to see a young attractive, slim, big breasted white woman around twenty walking down a pathway. I also saw a group of black men playing soccer in the distance field.

“OH sure. I didn't hear you approaching me. Wow your a knock out. Please I'll stand up so you can pass in front of me and sit on the other side of me.” Mitch said standing us. “I didn't even think women were allowed in the theater.” Mitch towered over me and talk about muscular with his tight jeans and sleeveless T-shirt. I could see a large bulge running down his right leg and I was positive he wasn't even hard yet.

I heard the girl scream on the theater screen. “What do you men want from me?”

“Your the one wandering around on our soccer field. We didn't invite you to our private domain.” One of the hot black soccer men answered.”

“The theater manager made an exception for me.” I pushed past Mitch making sure I pushed my self back to feel his bulge pressing against my back. “Thank you.” I said and then finding my seat sat down. “That's quite a bulge you have there.” I put my hand on the snake running down his right leg. “This feels mighty nice.”

“Please don't hurt me.” I heard the woman cry from the movie.

“She's asking for it.” I heard some guy shouting a few rows a head of Mitch and I in the theater.

“How about taking it out for a breath of air.” Mitch said. “Oh by the way my name is Mitch, what's your name bitch?” Mitch asked pulling his tight sleeveless T-shirt up over his muscular stomach over his chest and head and tossed it on the seat on the other side of him. “Your hotter than the woman in the film bitch.”

“My name is Joan but never mind that I need some of this.” I said moving my hand up his huge bulge to the top of his jeans and undid his top button. I then started pulling the zipper down.

“It's all yours slut.” Mitch said as he pushed his ass off his seat and pushed his jeans down his legs along with his tight fitting undershorts. His huge half hard cock bounced out coming to a full partial erection of at least ten thick inches. He grabbed my blouse and ripped it open with the blouse falling from me to the seat. He leaned over me and ripped my skirt off placing his fingers into my soaking wet pussy. “This feels mighty fine.”

“Gang bang. Gang bang the slut.” I heard a few men in the theater shouting.” I looked up to see the woman was now nude laying on the soccer field surrounded by the black soccer players.

“Thank you Mitch.” I moaned sitting in my seat totally nude looking at his hard cock that was now pressed against his six pack stomach. I leaned over the seat and took his cock in my hand. My small hand barely went half way around his cock as I pulled it toward me and licked the huge mushroom shaped cock head.”

I tried to shut out the yelling from the guys in the theater as I concentrated on Mitch's thick cock.

“Oh yes bitch, take it in your mouth bitch.” Mitch moaned as I got off my seat and managed to step in between his spread muscular legs. I got down and took his thick cock into my mouth.

I took his cock out of my mouth massaging his big brown balls with my hand looking up into his brown eyes. “Mmmmmmmm. Your cock tastes so good Stud.” I said before I bent my head and went back to licking his cock head.

I felt Mitch grab my head between his large black hands and push my head down. “That's the way bitch suck that cock. Get it good and wet because I want to bend you over the seat in front of us and really give you a great fuck.

I took his big cock in my mouth and let him grip my head and push his cock into my cock-hungry throat. “Oh yes your throat is like velvet.”

In the back ground I heard the guys yelling. “Suck that cock bitch and take the other cock up that hot pussy bitch.”

“Those idiots don't know what they're missing. That slut can barely take half that cock in her mouth without choking and I have my cock half way down your throat and your still not choking.” Mitch moaned pressing my head down until his big cock entered my throat and his big balls rested on my bottom lip. “You can really swallow cock slut.”

I only managed to moan around his thick cock as I pulled back until only the cock head was in my mouth and he pushed his cock back down my throat again. I felt myself bobbing up and down his thick cock over and over again.

The yelling in the theater became a background noise. I was lost in the lust as Mitch continued to ram his thick cock in and out of my cock-hungry throat. He must have fucked my throat a good five minutes before I heard him moan as he shoved my head down taking his entire cock down my throat. “Oh yes I'm cumming bitch. Oh yes take my cum.”

I felt his cock expanding in my throat and knew he was shooting his load down my throat. He let go of my head and I raised off his cock until only his cock head was in my mouth and he shot another load on my tongue and I tasted his salty, musky thick cum on my tongue. He pulled his cock out of my mouth and shot yet another load across my face and lips. I stuck my tongue out and licked my lips. “Wow that tastes good.” I moaned after licking my lips.

I could hear the other teenagers moaning in the theater as I heard the two men on the screen yelling. “I'm cumming slut.”

“Take my shoes and socks off bitch and lets get down to some hot fucking.” Mitch said pushing me away and down to the floor.

I undid his runners and pulled them off followed by his white socks. Then I tugged his jeans down his muscular legs and off his feet tossing them on the seat beside Mitch joining his T-shirt and pants.

“Okay stand up and turn around.” Mitch said looking down at me and reaching down with his strong arm and helping me to my feet. I turned around and was pushed over the seat in front of me. I stuck my ass in the air and felt Mitch's fingers reach under me and into my dripping wet pussy. “Wow you are hot to get fucked slut.”

I saw the room full of teenage hot looking men as they cheered what was going on, on the screen. Some even stood up and cheered. No one had turned around they had no idea what was going on in the back of the theater not that far from where everyone was seated or standing.

I felt Mitch circle his big arms around me and squeezing my nipples. I moaned trying to keep my voice down. “Oh yes, oh yes Mitch now push that big cock in my hungry pussy.”

“Don't worry that's exactly what I have in mind slut.” Mitch whispered in my ear. I felt the tip of his cock entering my pussy spreading my puffy pussy lips and sliding against my hard clit. “How many men have fucked this hot pussy?”

“Do you mean today?” I asked. “OH yes push it all in me stud.”

“Today I guess. You mean you do this all the time?” Mitch asked.

“So far today your the only one but I intend to take a lot more after your finished.” I moaned.

“I bet you are.” Mitch moaned into my ear as his cock rammed deep and hard into my cock-hungry pussy. “Your like a dog bitch in heat.”

I heard and saw the girl on the ground as a black stud rammed his cock into her pussy. “Fuck me.” She yelled.

Mitch rammed his cock in and out of my pussy slowly but hard. He kept ramming his big thick cock into my hungry pussy. Then he pulled his cock out of my pussy and to my surprise rammed it into my ass. “Nice ass you have slut.” Mitch moaned into my ear.

“Oh yes that is great. Your big cock feels so good in my ass.” I moaned looking down then shaking my head in lust.

“Well it feels great.” Mitch moaned into my ear as he rammed it in my rear and brought it out this time ramming it into my pussy this time. He went back and forth from my pussy and ass his big balls bouncing as he fucked me.

On the screen the guy fucking the hot blond pulled out and rolled on the ground letting another hot black soccer player to take his place in her hot pussy. The teenagers in the theater cheered again.

“Your one hell of lot better than that bitch on the screen slut. Oh yes! take my big cock in that hot pussy.” He moaned.

I pushed my ass back and moaned. “Fuck me stud. Fuck me good and hard.”

Mitch must have fucked my pussy and ass for at least a half hour going back and forth as he fucked me hard. “Your one hell of a good fuck. I'm cumming bitch.” He moaned in my ear as I felt his cock expanding in my pussy and knew he was shooting his hot thick cum into me. I felt him let go of me as he sat down in the chair behind him. “That was one fine fuck.”

“Yes your a real stud but I am just getting started. I need more. More big thick black cock, like yours Mitch.”

There are two hot men on the other side of the theater in a couple of rows ahead of us. How about going over and surprising them I notice they have an empty seat between them.” Mitch said as I glanced down beside him.

“Not a bad idea. Wish me luck.” I whispered standing up stepping over Mitch's muscular legs.

“Believe me you don't need any luck when they see you walking over to them. Are you going to put on your blouse and skirt.” Mitch asked.

“I'm afraid you did a great job of ripping them off me. I can't put them on I'll just go over the way I am.” I said walking across the row to the main aisle. When I got to the end of the row I walked up the aisle a couple of rows and walked toward the two hot black teenagers sitting stareing ahead at the screen as the woman moaned on the screen.
The end of Chapter 21.

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