Jack in the Cast

Jack in the Cast

Jack in the Cast

The light knocking on the door caused Jack Benson to take a deep breath, grit his teeth, and finally call out. “Yeah, who’s there?”

From behind the closed bedroom door came the low voice of Kathy Collett, “Jack, it’s Kathy. Can I come in?”

Sighing loudly Jack answered “Ah yeah, I guess. Come on in Kathy.”

“I brought you a present for Valentine’s Day.” She began as she swung the door open and waltzed into the room carrying a wrapped box, a bouquet of flowers and a card. When her eyes came to rest on the sight of Jack on the hospital bed, she exclaimed “Oh Jesus, look at you! A whole body cast Jack?” She pushed the door shut behind her with her foot, rushed over to the side of the bed and placed the items on a small wheeled table.

Jack wanted to turn his head to look at Kathy, but the cast went around his neck and covered the back of his head so he couldn’t. In fact, the cast was so complete, the only areas that were uncovered was Jack’s face, his penis, and his buttocks so that he could urinate and defecate, his fingers and his toes. At the moment, a towel was covering his private areas.

“Yeah, you’ll have to forgive me for not getting up.” Jack joked with a hint of sarcasm.

Coming up alongside where Jack could see her, Kathy asked “What the hell happened? I mean, I heard that you had a bad fall off the side of the mountain and was pretty messed up and all, but I didn’t expect this. How did you fall, and what happened?” Tears were building up in the corners of her eyes and threatening to spill over her chubby face as she looked on in total disbelief.

“Oh shit Kathy. You know, I’ve been over this so many times already, and I’m really not in the mood to go over the whole thing again.” Jack snapped angrily. Then, upon seeing the hurt look in Kathy’s eyes, he softened his voice and said “Look, I uh, I really appreciate that you came all the way over here to visit me and all, but I guess I’m not the best company right now you know. I’m really sorry, but I’m kind of embarrassed about the whole thing. You should probably just go before I say something else I’m gonna regret.”

Jack and Kathy had known each other for about three years, and Jack was well aware of how sensitive she was. It all had to do with Kathy’s weight, which she constantly struggled with keeping under control. She was now what some would call “pleasantly plump”, but in her eyes, she was fat and ugly, and no one, including Jack, could convince her otherwise. In reality, Jack thought Kathy had a very pretty face, and her womanly curves were not at all unattractive, it was just that he was in love with someone else, someone who was unfortunately already taken.

“It’s okay Jack, I’m not offended, and I’m not leaving you either.” Kathy reassured. “I got a text from Walt saying that you was busted up pretty good, but I had no idea it was this bad. I just wanted to let you know though, don’t worry about the office. Between me and Walt and Mathews, we’ll handle the extra load while you heal. You just concentrate on getting better, and if you come back... when you come back, your job will still be waiting for you. We’ll handle things in your absence ”

“Thanks Kathy, I appreciate that.” Jack said, his voice softening as he realized that she really meant well.

Looking at her closely for the first time since she showed up, Jack noticed how nice she looked. She was wearing a dress with pink, red and white flowers all over and her ample cleavage was on display. Not at all what he was used to seeing her wear in the office. “You look very nice in that dress Kathy.”

“Oh thank you Jack. It’s my Valentine’s Day dress.”

“Yeah, Valentine’s Day, I guess I forgot all about that. It’s not like I’ve got anyone to celebrate it with anyway.”

“I know,” Kathy began, “I think it must be the long hours you work Jack. There’s just no time for a relationship.” She paused for a second before adding as an afterthought. “Even though you’d make a terrific boyfriend.”

That last comment caused Jack to smile and blush a bit. “Thanks Kathy. That’s nice of you.”

There was a long moment of uncomfortable silence before Kathy sighed loudly and asked
“Are you in a lot of pain?”

“I’m on some pretty good pain medication, but it’s been a few hours, so I’m feeling some discomfort. Thing is, the pain meds make my brain fuzzy, so I almost welcome the pain, just not too much pain.”

“Look Jack, if you truly want me to leave so you can lie here staring up at the ceiling, wallowing in self pity, then I will leave. But I came here today because I want to spend time with you. I want to help you with whatever you need help with. I’m here for you Jack. What would you like?”

“I have a live in nurse that takes care of everything Kath, but if you want to hang out here for awhile, it’s up to you. I just don’t think I’m gonna be real good company today ya know.”

“Oh Jack, I feel so bad for you. You sound so...depressed right now.” Kathy said with a sad face.

“Depressed huh? Gee, I can’t imagine why I’d be depressed. I mean, doesn’t everyone want to be laid up in a full body cast for two to three months of their life? I mean shit Kathy, I can’t feed myself, I can’t scratch myself, I need help shitting and pissing. Shit, I can’t even fucking jerk off. What on earth do you think I should be fucking depressed about Kathy?” Once again, Jack was letting his emotions get the best of him.

“I’m so sorry Jack.” Kathy said. “But I can help you do whatever you want. Do you want something to eat or drink? Do you need to use the restroom? I can do whatever.” She placed her hand on the cast over his upper thigh.

“I’m fine Kathy, thank you for offering, but I’m fine.”

There was a pause as Kathy took a deep breath and carefully slid her hand higher up the cast until her fingertips found the cutout for his penis. An eight inch diameter hole left him completely exposed so he could urinate and be cleaned as needed. As Kathy’s finger slipped under the towel that was keeping him covered, Jack’s eyes opened wide.

“Are you absolutely certain Jack? Are you positive that there is...nothing you want from me?” Kathy said with a raised eyebrow, her fingers came to rest just a scant inch or so from his penis.

“Kathy, what the hell are you doing?” Jack asked.

“I’m here to help you Jack.” Kathy answered and wrapped her fingers around his cock. She moved up so her face was right above his and said with a pouty look on her face, “You do want me to help you, don’t you Jack?”

Jack couldn’t believe Kathy was doing this. This was so out of character for her. “Jesus, are you serious?” He asked incredulously.

“It’s Valentine’s Day Jack. No one should have to spend Valentine’s Day alone and depressed. I can help you feel better, and no one ever has to find out we did this. Just relax and let me take care of you.” Kathy said as she started to make her way down toward the towel covering her hand and his cock.

The caressing hand was coaxing the blood flow into Jack’s penis, causing it to begin swelling, even though he was still unsure of this whole thing. “But what if the nurse comes in? Shit Kathy, this is crazy. You shouldn’t be doing this.”

“Oh...do you want me to stop Jack? I don’t think this big guy wants me to stop. After all, he is rapidly rising to attention. Are you going to pass up a Valentine’s Day blow job?” Kathy smiled and with her free hand she pulled the towel aside, revealing a perfectly shaped, seven inch, circumcised penis. “Oh, you have such a beautiful, big, juicy cock.”

“Kathy!” Jack snapped loudly, then lowered his voice to an urgent whisper. “This is not right. I’m your boss for Christ sakes.” He said, but for some reason he didn’t sound too convincing.

“You’re not gonna fire me are you Jack? ” Kathy asked, lowering her face down closer to his cock. “Not before I take this lovely cock deep in my mouth and suck all of its cum out. Are you Jack?” She stuck her tongue out and touched the tip to the very top of his penis, which instantly filled to near bursting with blood. Her tongue tip sought out his pee hole and she wiggled it back and forth, as if trying to push her tongue inside.

Jack moaned at the sensation and tried to look down at what she was doing, but he couldn’t see past the white cast over his chest. “This isn’t like you Kathy. Why are you doing this?”

“If you want me to stop Jack, all you have to do is tell me to stop.” Kathy said, then puckered her lips and blew cool air on the wet tip, causing him to shudder. After a moment of quiet, she lowered her still puckered lips and placed a big, soft, wet kiss on the very top of his penis. “Do you want me to stop Jack?”

Still wondering what had come over the normally chaste woman, Jack struggled to answer. This was not at all like the woman he knew in the office. In fact, the woman that he had worked with every day for the last three years was so reserved that the mere mention of anything sex related would cause her to blush deeply. She never discussed her private life, even when asked, she would tell the person that she didn’t discuss private matters at work. This was so strange and awkward, but it felt so good.

When Jack didn’t answer, Kathy tightened her grip around his cock, squeezing until the head turned bright red and shiny, and a tiny drop of precum formed on the slit. “You have such a lovely cock Jack. I’ve always wanted to see it, to... hold it, to...taste it.” She spoke with a husky voice that was supremely sexy, and then put her lips back on the tip and slurped up the drop of precum.

“Unghh!” Jack moaned from the incredible feelings that Kathy was causing. The worries that he had of the nurse coming in were gone now, replaced by the need for sexual gratification. It didn’t matter anymore that it was Kathy, the plump woman that he worked with in the office, who he had often thought of as frigid because she was so uptight about things. She wasn’t uptight now.

Suddenly, Kathy let go of his penis and stood up saying “You know, I’m getting awfully horny down here. You don’t mind if I get undressed do you?” Without waiting for an answer, she unhooked the dress straps from her shoulders and peeled the garment down her body until it hit the floor. She was now only wearing a bra and panties, her cantaloupe sized breasts seemingly threatening to pop out the top of her bra. She leaned forward, showing her ample cleavage to Jack, who found himself unable to pry his eyes away.

At work, Kathy had never worn anything even the least bit revealing. Now, Jack was staring at the most incredible looking pair of breasts that he’d ever seen in the flesh, and he couldn’t even see them all yet.

“Do you like them Jack?”

Jack nodded what little bit he could without even realizing, his mouth watering and his fingers wiggling what little they could inside the hard casing of the cast.

Reaching behind her back, Kathy unclasped her bra and let it drop, but before it fell away completely, she draped her right arm across her chest, keeping her nipples hidden. Jack thought he got a glimpse of areola, but couldn’t be certain. His cock was straining and waving in the breeze, wanting attention, needing attention.

“Do you want to feel them Jack?”

“Yes” came the whisper soft voice from Jack. He wanted to bury his face in her glorious globes.

Kathy moved up so she was standing right next to Jack’s face and slowly lowered her arm, revealing all of her chest for the first time. They were magnificent, Jack thought. The largest ones he had ever seen in person. Her nipples were huge, sticking out nearly a full inch from her bulbous breasts, with areolas that surrounded each one, the size of a half dollar coin.

Jack was mesmerized by the sight, and watched as she leaned over and placed one of her nipples into his open mouth. Like a hungry baby, Jack latched onto her nipple and began to suckle. He twirled his tongue gently around the nub, causing Kathy to moan deep in her throat and push down more of her breast flesh into Jack’s hungry mouth.

While Jack was busily sucking away at Kathy’s swollen nipple, Kathy’s hands were busy rubbing her needy clit through the material of her panties. It had taken an enormous amount of courage for her to do this, and the stress that she had been under from the moment she walked into the room had served to heighten her excitement, making her more horny than she could ever remember being.

As good as it felt to have her nipples sucked and nibbled on, Kathy knew that she wasn’t going to be satisfied with just nipple play. She stood up, her breast making a *pop* noise as the suction broke from Jack’s mouth. The air felt cool on her moist nipple.

“Jack honey, do you mind if I play with my pussy while I suck your big, wonderful cock?” Kathy asked. She was talking in the sexiest voice that Jack had ever heard.

“Ah... shit no. I ah I don’t mind Kath.” Jack mumbled.

“Good, because I’m so fucking horny. I want to cum just as badly as you do.”

She grabbed his swollen member in her plump hand again, while her other hand was still pushing the material of her underwear up into the crack of her pussy. The crotch area was already soaked from her leaking pussy juices.

Moving her face back down to Jack’s penis, Kathy laid it forward, then placed her nose right into his pubic hair. The smell of a man “down there” was always such a big turn on for Kathy, and this was no different. She inhaled his manly aroma, the smell sending jolts of spine tingling electricity straight to her super charged pussy.

“Mmmmmmmm” She moaned as she exhaled, her eyelids drooping and her breasts heaving. Her tongue slid out into his thatch of coarse hair and she licked from the base of his shaft all the way up to the helmet shaped head. Back down to the base once again, her tongue flattened out on his shaft as she licked her way slowly back to the head again. Three times, four times, five times she repeated the action, only stopping to remove a stray hair that stuck momentarily to her tongue.

As for Jack, he was certainly enjoying the attention, but he wished that he could move. He wanted to feel Kathy’s body. He wanted to feel her womanly curves that he knew were so soft and supple. He wanted to take control of the situation like he was used to, but he was in no position to do that, so he would have to let her do what she wanted.

Kathy played with Jack’s throbbing tool for several minutes. She had stopped the long slow licks from base to tip, and was now just flicking her tongue around his frenulum, that little elastic band of tissue just below the glans. She could tell from his grunts and groans that she was having an effect on him. After a few minutes of that, she slid up and wrapped her large breasts firmly around his spit soaked tool and slid them up and down several times, eliciting several moans of pleasure from Jack.

The pressure was building up inside Jack’s scrotum, as his full balls were getting ready to deposit their seed. “Oh fuck Kathy, you’re gonna make me cum.” He groaned. His body wanted to thrust, needed to thrust, but there was no way to move. He was at her mercy, and Kathy was taking her time.

Sensing that he was getting close to orgasm, Kathy stood up and released his cock. She slid her fingers in around the edge of her panties and dipped two fingers deep into her pussy, getting them soaked with her juices. Then she pulled her hand out, put her fingers up to Jack’s nose, and wiped her sweet smelling pussy scent on his upper lip.

“There, now you can smell my excitement.” She cooed at him.

“Please...” Jack moaned “...help me cum Kathy. I need to cum so badly.” The thick scent of her hot cunt was intoxicating, and it heightened his desire and need to cum.

“You want me to finish you Jack?” She asked with a sly grin.

“Oh God yes...Please Kathy.”

“Okay, but only if you promise me one thing Jack. Only if you promise to shoot your sweet cream into my mouth every single day while you’re in this cast. Will you do that for me Jack?”

Jack was beside himself with need, and he nodded and nearly shouted “Oh fuck yeah, just finish me pleeease.”

“Okay Jack. I’m gonna suck all the hot, sticky spunk out of your balls now. Are you ready?”

“Shit Kathy, just fucking do it please. Hurry”

Kathy giggled and said “Here it comes Jack.” In one motion, she engulfed the first four inches of Jack’s cock into her mouth. Her soft, wet lips and tongue closed around his throbbing shaft and she sucked, while her tongue flicked the underside.

“Ohhh fuck!” Jack gasped as he felt the sudden heat from her sucking mouth. It was exquisite, and he knew it would only take moments before he gave up his seed.

Kathy was no novice at sucking cock, and she used all her talents to bring her boss the most satisfying pleasure. She cupped his balls with one hand while the other grasped the base of his seven inch cock. With her mouth sealed around his shaft, she began to rise and fall, her hand staying right with her mouth, giving him the sensation of deep throat. She gently massaged his balls and tickled the spot just under his sack and next to his asshole.

“Oh shit Kathy, I’m so close. Oh fuck I’m gonna cummmm!” Jack cried out. He had forgotten about the live-in nurse who was somewhere in the house at that very moment, probably making some food, since it was nearly dinner time.

Using her mouth like a velvety soft vacuum, Kathy redoubled her efforts, making ‘mmmfff’ sounds on each upswing. She felt his cock grow to even more enormous proportions, stretching her lips wider than she thought possible.

Still babbling and grunting like a madman, Jack could feel the beginnings of his orgasm. He had reached the apex. That point of no return when, even if all stimulation ceased immediately, the penis would continue to spew its contents. “Ahhh I’m cumming, oh fuck....” He yelled as he felt the first spasms of orgasm.

Kathy backed off a bit, as she felt the cock in her mouth start to jerk and a second later, the first blast of hot cum came rushing out of the tip, spraying the back of her throat. She swallowed quickly as another spurt joined the first. The thick cream sliding down her gullet warmed her throat. The taste was not pleasant, but Kathy enjoyed the feeling of power and the eroticism of the act enough to stomach the bad taste.

Several smaller squirts of cum followed, and Kathy continued to suck every last drop. Finally, when Jack’s cock stopped throbbing and dripping its seed, Kathy pulled her mouth off with a loud ‘pop’, leaving the bright red head glistening from her saliva.

“Mmmm that was so hot!” Kathy exclaimed. “Did you like that Jack?”

“Oh fuck yeah.” He gasped weakly.

“Good, because I’ll be back to do it again tomorrow.” She said as she moved back up to look him in the eyes.

“Jesus Kathy, what’s gotten into you?”

“Well, I’ve wanted you for a long time Jack. You’re just too blind to see it. When I saw you lying here all sealed up in this cast, and being Valentine’s Day and all, I just realized that this may be my only chance. Jack, you may never fall in love with me. Hell, I don’t expect you to fall in love with me. But I’ve been in love with you for years now, and if I can do anything to make your time in this stupid cast any better, then I’m going to do it, and if that means coming back here every day and giving you pleasure, then that’s what I’m going to do.”

Jack contemplated what he had just been told, then softly said “Wow Kathy, I...I had no idea.”

“Well, now you do.” Kathy said matter of factly. “So, I’m gonna get going now, so I can go take care of myself, if you know what I mean.”

Jack knew exactly what she meant. “Yeah, I know what you mean. If I could help, I would you know.”

“Make me a promise then, that when you get better, you’ll show me some of the same as I just showed you. Maybe even more.”

“I’d like that Kathy. I’d like that a lot.”

Kathy smiled a warm smile then leaned down and kissed her boss tenderly on the lips. “I’ll see you tomorrow Jack.” She said, as she picked up her discarded dress and bra.

Standing beside the bed, Kathy yanked her soaked panties off. She hadn’t cum, but they were still very wet from her lubricating juices, and the smell in them was intense. She dressed quickly while her still dazed boss looked on.

Finally, when she was all put back together, she said “One more thing Jack.” and held up her soiled underwear. “Here’s something to help keep your mind off the pain, for a little while anyway.”

As Jack looked on, Kathy placed the crotch of her panties over Jack’s nose and mouth,and left them there. “Bye now, and Happy Valentines day.” She said and headed out again.

“Hey...hey you can’t just leave me like this.” Jack blurted, but Kathy walked out and shut the door without looking back. “Shit!” he grumbled as the musky smell of her cunt overwhelmed his senses. When the nurse came in to check on him about ten minutes later, she found him with his cock fully engorged, and his face still hidden under the sodden panties.

The End.

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