Lost And Caged: Chapter One_(0)

Lost And Caged: Chapter One_(0)

Chapter One After graduating about four years early from my college of being a Doctor, I really didn’t have much to do with my life. I was an insanely smart young- adult, graduating High School at 16 years old and graduating from college at age 20. It wasn’t common to see such smart people around these days but in some instances, you do. I could easily make $100,000 a year with my degree but of course, that’s not exactly what I wanted to do. A year ago, I had been reading about the FBI cracking down on Human Trafficking rings and hearing person stories from the victims made me hard. And then my father died. He was a pretty rich man, I suppose. He had a nice, large villa in Florida that he awarded me in his will. It was pretty big with a large basement. Although moving from my New York to Florida was pretty rough, I learned to adjust. I grabbed my pilot’s license and bought a private plane. I was cleared by the U.S Border Agents by claiming I was a International Moving Agency just so I could get across the border. I lied and told them that I was a retried U.S Navy Seal. I also told them I did all my clearances. If I found anything suspicious before I flew across (Such as drugs or other illegal stuff), that I would report the client to the U.S Border Agents. And they believed every word. I did however have to tell them where I was flying from and where to and when. And I was completely cool with that. I pretended to be the International Moving Agency for a few months, making about $6,000 a week depending on how much I was carrying. That money helped pay off the rest of the villa. During that time, I managed to make a few friends in Mexico who wanted to be in business with me so we formed an alliance. They helped me pull off the International Moving Agency for a few more weeks before we finally quit. I helped them illegally immigrate into Florida with me. They helped me set up the perfect place. Hold on …. I’m getting way too ahead of myself. Scratch everything you just read and let’s go back to my high school years ….. I grew up in Florida for as long as I could remember. I could remember going to the sandy white beaches of the Gulf and spending time at Disney World. But a little after my 9th birthday, my mother began to get very sick because she was a druggie. At my young age, I didn’t appreciate what my mom did, I always knew what drugs she took because she could never outsmart her son. After about two years of coming and going from the hospital, she finally died, peacefully. I think the death of my mother really turned my father to his evil doings. He started hating women, especially young women. He would beat me senseless and tell me how worthless I am. I never enjoyed the beatings but I took it like a man because that’s what he told me to do. I remember one morning, waking up and I was told that I would no longer go to public school because I was too smart. I was 12 and already in 9th grade, two grades higher than normal. He started working in his villa’s basement more often. He told me I should never go down there because that was “Daddy’s Secret Work” that he would show me when I was older. He told me that he would have a special gift for me when I could go down there. He didn’t think that I knew what he was doing down there. But I did. I could hear the constant screaming, and different sayings and the sound of a gun shooting and reloading. By the time I was 13, my father thought I was mature to handle what was down in his secret basement, even though I already knew what was going on. He brought me downstairs and showed me around. And that’s when I discovered exactly what was going on. There, on a wooden table, was a girl that I recognized from my school. A little bitch if you ask me. And at that point, he told me to rape her. I was totally against the idea but he threatened to kill me if I didn’t. So I raped the girl, pumping my first load of cum ever into her tiny pussy. After raping her about six times between my father and I, he untied her and carried her to the car. He told me to get in and that we were going to dispose of her. I followed, getting this ultimate high. We drove to the docks about 20 miles away. My Dad picked the girl up and carried her to an old, abandoned boat. It didn’t run well but it worked well enough to get us about 50 miles into the ocean. The worst part was that we were in shark infested waters. He laid the limp girl on the bed of the boat, she could barely move. He pulled out a gun and popped a few rounds into her head only, it didn’t make the normal gun sound. It was silent. He then pulled out a knife and cut her throat. He handed the blood knife to me. He told me to stab her several times all around her body so more blood would be released. So I obeyed. And then my father covered her body in fish guts, throwing her in the water afterwords. We watched for 20 minutes and waited until four sharks popped up around the girls body. Each grabbed a part of the girls body and basically played a game of tug-of-war with her until she was pulled into pieces, eaten and swallowed. He told me that’s how you rape, murder and dispose of a girl. So my father continued to do this little business of his until he was caught after I turned 16. They didn’t arrest me for anything, in fact, they thought I would need counseling. So I pretended that I did because I didn’t want to go to jail. But I had already graduated from high school, they couldn’t send me to a foster home if I had legally graduated. Or at least they didn’t if they could. I signed up for college in New York to become a Doctor. I stayed on campus in a dorm that I shared with a “Gay” buddy of mine. Good times, good times. So after graduating 4 years early, I learned that my dad would be executed via being shock treatment. His lawyers signed the villa over to me, which I guess the feds never found. It brought back old memories for me. Some good and some bad. But for me, those memories were switched around. The bad memories were actually my good ones, and the good memories were actually my bad ones. Now we can skip forward to the present. Just after I inherited the villa …………………… “Yes, Aunt Hilda, I’ll be perfectly fine”I told her over the phone”No, I don’t think its going to bring back old memories.” My Aunt Hilda was such a worry-wart. When she heard about me moving from New York back to Florida, she was very worried that it would be bring those old, terrible memories of my childhood. “Listen, I gotta go now Aunt Hilda”I said”My flight leaves in an hour. I’ll talk to you later, okay?” I hung up on my Aunt and grabbed my luggage. A two hour flight from the big city of New York to the small beach-side village of Sancun in Florida. There weren’t many people in Sancun but it was only a 20 minute drive to Miami, a big spot for tourists, spring-breakers and the people who lived there. Of course, I could drive five hours to either Panama City or Orlando if I wanted to. But who wanted to drive that long? No one. After passing through security and boarding my flight, I waved goodbye to the hustle and bustle of New York and said hello to the calming streets of Sancun. There was maybe 6,000 people who lived in this tiny city. A lot of homes were right on the beach. Sancun had their own local grocery store called Mark’s, a garage for fixing cars and a few fast-food restaurants. They also had this one old diner owned by Betsy Ross, who isn’t related to the Betsy Ross in history books, who named her diner “The All-American Diner”. She was a kind lady, in her late sixties, and the food was okay I guess. They had all the normal ‘fixin’s’ as Betsy called it. If you drove about 10 miles south, about halfway to Miami, you’d find John Boone, his wife GiGi and their 16 year old daughter, Penny. They were a simply family who lived on a farm, raised Appaloosa Horses and sheep, and swore never to have contact with the “outside world”, aka Miami. Now Penny, oh boy, so many words to describe Penny. She was beautiful with her blonde hair that she always swooped to the side when she was tending the Horses. She was about 5’1 and maybe 100 pounds. The entrance to my father’s villa was protected by a large, silver gate and an electric fence that surrounded all of the property. It was high enough to keep people from climbing it but not tall enough to raise suspicion. A little dirt road led to my father’s stone villa. Around back was a barn with a fenced area for the Horse. I would probably get a Horse later. When you opened the large wooden door, the first room you saw was the foyer. A silver chandelier hung only a few feet from the ceiling. Mahogany stairs led upstairs to the second floor. A closet was underneath the stairs, with a secret panel to the basement. If you turn to the left, you have a small gathering room. To your right is the dining room. Now let’s go down to the basement because that’s the part you really want to learn about, isn’t it? The whole basement was stoned. There was a long hallway with four jail cells, two on each side. Each were up against the wall and had chains on the wall to keep the girls still. Walk down a few steps and you’ll be in my main torture chamber. Equipped with a king-sized bed/OB/GYN table with leather straps to keep the girls down. Ropes hung from the ceiling to allow me to stretch the girls in different positions. On one wall, was a collection of sex toys. From dildos to vibrators to lots of things. And on the other wall was a bunch of whips, paddles and shit like that. I also had a closet full of other stuff such as the tattoo and medical supplies. “Is anyone here?”I yelled out.” I was over at the Boone Farm, in hopes of buying an Appaloosa Stallion. The cars were gone, which is quite rare, but I was hoping someone would be home. “Hello?”I yelled.” I headed towards the barn when I heard Penny’s voice. I walked inside and saw her in tight shorts and a cut off top. Her hair was in pigtails and she was pouring water into one of the Horse’s buckets. “Penny?” She jumped, looking shocked. “Mr. Thomas?” “I’m looking for your parents, are they home?”I asked.” “N-no, they won’t be home for another hour or so”Penny said.” I walked closer to her. “You got some nice Stallions here.” Penny patted the male horse on the side. “Yep, this is old Brute. I’ve been raised around him. He’s produced some good foals.” “So he’s a breeder?”I asked.” “Yes sir he is”Penny said.” She reached into her back pocket and grabbed her phone. “Excuse me, I gotta take this.” She disappeared out of the barn and I watched her ass wiggle. I walked closer to the doors of the stall to hear her talking. “No Alisha, I can’t come over right now”she said”A neighbor is here. He’s a little shady but he’s kind of cute. No! He’s 21, Alisha, get a hold of yourself! Shh, I don’t want anyone hearing about that. Anyway, I’ll talk to you later.” I watched as she walked back into the barn, her ass wiggling and tits swaying back and forth. I couldn’t help but stare. “So where were we?”Penny asked.” I grabbed her arm and twisted it. “Shh Penny, its alright.” “Please let go”she cried”It hurts!” I heard the gravel kicking around. With a firm grasp of Penny, I watched as her parents drove up the driveway in their red pick-up truck. John got out of the pick-up and headed towards the barn. I threw Penny into a stall and grabbed a stun gun from my pocket. I crouched in a stall and waited for John to come by. When he did, I stood up quickly and stunned him until he fell to the ground. “Daddy!”Penny yelled.” She jumped up and ran to her father. I grabbed her arm and dragged her up towards the house. “Please stop, please!”she begged.” I still continued to drag her up to the house until I saw her mother. I left Penny on the ground and walked inside. I quietly got behind Gigi and stunned her until she fell onto the floor. I grabbed two kitchen chairs. I tied Gigi to a kitchen chair and stuffed a kitchen towel in her mouth. I went back out to the yard and caught Penny trying to run away. I quickly stunned her until she also fell to the ground. She would only be paralyzed for a few minutes so I had to move fast to get her father into the house and tied to a chair and then get her inside so her parents could enjoy the show. Quickly and neatly, I did so. When her parents came to, they were mumbling through their gags. I had my foot on Penny’s stomach and she was screaming bloody murder. “You guys came to enjoy the show, didn’t you?”I asked, laughing”Your daughter is so innocent. Did you know she was giving your stallions blowjobs to perform better? Such a little slut. She will be my cumbucket and you guys will watch.” I pulled off Penny’s clothes and revealed her shaved pussy. I licked above her pussy and moaned. “You taste so sweet, baby”I said.” “I-I’m not your baby”she said.” I slapped her face. “The amount of pain you will feel now won’t even be close to what you feel later. Are you a virgin?” She nodded and I laughed, a little bit. “Let’s see, what can we use?”I pondered.” I looked through the kitchen for what I needed and I found it. I walked back over to Penny. I held the object up to her. “Imagine this as a pre-test until the pure torture later.” I shoved the object inside her tiny pussy, popping her cherry. She screamed in agony as I almost hit her womb with this kitchen item. “How does that feel?”I asked.” “P-P-Please take it out!”she yelled.” I turned to the parents who were shaking their head violently. “Enjoying this show, aren’t you? Imagine what’s she going to experience later!”I said, laughing.” I shoved the object in and out of her pussy until she couldn’t breathe anymore. She hadn’t experience an orgasm though. I imagined she was one of those women who were able to shut their body down if they were being raped. I pulled the object out and tossed it aside. “Alright bitch, today’s torture is finished”I said.” I picked her up by the arm and wrapped my arm around her naked body. I pulled a gun out and pointed it at her parents. “Are you ready for this?” “Please don’t kill them! I’ll do anything! I swear!”she screamed.” I popped two rounds into each parents. My gun wasn’t registered so I cleaned it up and dumped it. “If you were going to do something, you should’ve done it right then and there”I said”But you didn’t so I killed them. And now you are my cumbucket and I’m going to enjoy you until I dispose of you.” I picked up Penny over my shoulder and carried her out to my truck. I threw her into the passenger’s side and climbed into the drivers seat. I groped one of her tits as I drove off towards my villa. “We’re gonna have so much fun, Penny”I said.”

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