Cheating With Ell

Cheating With Ell

At one point in the not-too-distant past, I was too busy with work and family to have any kind of social life. I'm 32, married to a boring wife, and have three kids. As an man might imagine, this left me frustrated knowing I had all these kinky and weird fetishes, but had nothing but a dead bedroom spouse to try them on. I wanted to feel alive!

Enter online dating. It works, in theory, to bring you together with someone who might have a similar situation or a multitude of other reasons. I met several great women, had a few dates when time allowed, but never really felt any chemistry. Enter a somewhat random profile hit by... let's call her Ell. Ell was, by most accounts, not the typical girl I'd found myself dating in the past. For one, her profile loudly proclaimed she was there "JUST FOR FRIENDS" and that she was, in fact, quite happily married. Just like myself. I could belabor you with the details of how we began talking or what lead up to our first encounter, but I'll cut to the chase. She wanted to move to the city I resided in, and there was an opportunity for her to visit much sooner than I had anticipated. Not thinking she'd accept, I offered her some time at a hotel all paid by me for a couple of days, and to my surprise, she accepted. I told my wife I had to go for a business trip that same weekend. She told me to have fun. I told her I will.

I picked her up one chilly evening from the bus station. She was everything she appeared to be in her profile pics - a tiny little thing, a half-Egyptian and half-German cutie with a stylish look about her and a wicked grin that kills me to think about to this day. In my eyes, I was taking a fairly serious risk, inviting a total stranger from the internet to a hotel room, and maybe I can get something in return, I hoped.

After a short dinner where we talked and laughed (and flirted), we arrived at the hotel room. It was late but she insisted she was a bit of a night owl and wanted to stay up and watch television together. She hadn't brought any pajamas so I offered her my t shirt and a pair of my pajama pants for the sake of propriety (and still holding on to my attempt at being the perfect gentleman host). Wearing them, I joined her on the couch. We shared a beer, talked, laughed... and gradually she moved closer to my side of the couch. It wasn't long before this adorable little creature was curled up next to me as we watched reruns.

It was then, in what to this day I insist was an accidental start to unexpected fun, I shifted on the couch and my hand ended up dropping to her upper thigh. Her hand quickly covered mine, and in mock shock she said softly, "Hey now! I'm a married woman... even if you are cute..." she gave me a wink, and I attempted to pull back my hand - still, in a vague attempt, trying to refrain from stepping over a boundary that might not have been there to begin with. "I'm married also, and you're cute as well," I said smiling back.

She held my hand tighter, raising an eyebrow. I may be many things, but I am not clueless. My hand instead slipped inward, holding her inner thigh. I raised my eyebrow in response... and her thighs parted slightly. The invitation was clear and yet I was guarded...cautious. I slid my palm inward, closer to the thin fabric of the pajamas from the junction of her hip and thigh. I could unmistakably feel heat there, radiating through the thin cloth.

In the end, I'm not sure who struck first. I'm normally the one to make the first move with my wife but she, to put it mildly, was clearly just as eager to engage. Taking my hand from where it sat she pressed my fingertips into the heat, a soft whimper slipping from her lips. There was conflict in here eyes but also something else I was very familiar with - lust. We began to kiss, my fingers stroking her through the thin cloth of the pajamas and verifying to myself that she was not, in fact, wearing anything beneath. As our tongues danced I felt the first hint of wetness seeping through... and I couldn't hold back any longer. I broke the kiss only long enough to lift her shirt over her head - her lovely, petite breasts, capped with soft brown (and very hard) nipples were exposed to greet me. My shirt came next... then with more eagerness, I pushed her back on the couch and tugged off the pajamas and tossed them across the room. Her pussy, glistening in the low light from the television, was lovely - nicely trimmed into a triangle of short, dark hair with her outer lips a light golden brown, rosy with arousal.

Suddenly gone was the hesitance of being with this stranger. Gone was the restraint. I sank my fingers inside her as she dragged her body up to my level once more, working at the zipper of my jeans and tugging them low on my hips with my help, her eyes slightly rolling each time I fluttered my fingers inside her. She pushed down my boxer briefs, my cock springing free, and without a single word she sank the length into her mouth. I am not gargantuan by any means... but she was a tiny woman, and my cock grazed her throat as she sucked feverishly. Before that moment I had never enjoyed having my cock sucked... but it was all I could do to keep myself from cumming down her throat as she expertly worked my shaft with tongue and lips.

Pulling her mouth free from my cock with some effort, I slid my fingers from inside her... making a show of tasting her while she watched. She gave me her haunting wicked grin and straddled me. Taking my cock in her small hand she guided the head to her pussy, grinding ever-so-slightly but never allowing me to slide too deep. While I was in a state of near-insanity, I knew I couldn't risk pregnancy but had forgotten to buy condoms. FUCK! She however didn't seem to think of it as she took my cock with both hands and slid it right into her raw pussy unprotected in a cowgirl position.

To say she was tight would be an understatement... but she was so wonderfully soaked it took no effort to sink the length of myself inside her. It was bliss watching her, eyes closed, dragging her petite frame up and down on my cock. I took her hips, grinding her down in a shared rhythm that soon brought me near to orgasm. Despite her moans she surprised me when her body suddenly began to shudder. Under her breath, gradually growing louder, were soft whispers of "Fuck fuck fuck fuck...yes yes... fuck". In tandem her inner muscles grasped and milked in concert, rippling over me and dragging me over the edge, too. She came - hard - just before I lost control myself, made all the more pleasurable by the sensation of filling her up with my cum... and a sudden gush of wetness as she ejaculated, too (my first ever witnessed case)... soaking the bed and me beneath her.

What seemed like hours went by before we recovered, comfortably chatting in a naked twist. We continued the rest of the weekend completely enjoying each others company. No corner of this hotel room went unused. A whispered sentence Ell said at one point remains with me to this day that gives me a smile..."Fuck me like I'm yours." And I did. As many times as I could before it was all over and she returned to her "real" life.

To this day I still get aroused remembering what might have been a once-in-a-lifetime alignment of the moons that brought her to me. Yesterday, she phoned me telling me that she gave birth to a beautiful baby girl. I asked her if maybe I could visit her. She said that her child was mine and that she would most definitely want me to come see both her and her child. I gladly accepted the invitation.

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