Lingerie Lunch

Lingerie Lunch

Sandi and Lori stroll into an upscale lingerie store on their lunch break one day. They casually scan the racks until they spy a sexy, see-through red lace teddy. They flip a coin to see who will try it on. Lori wins the toss and they smile at each other as they are escorted to the dressing room by an old matron-type lady who eyes them suspiciously. The old bat unlocks the door and leaves the area, but keeps looking back to see what's going on. While Sandi looks around a bit, Lori slips into the tiny dressing room and wiggles out of her clothes. She admires her image in the mirror before trying on the teddy then finally slips it on. The sleek red number accentuates her bronze skin, hugs her curves and awakens her senses. Running her hands over her thigh-high stockings, she steps back into her black stelletos to get the full effect. Her reflection thrills her as she turns slowly then her hands move up over her hips to her breasts. Her nipples get hard and practically jump through the thin material as her arousal heightens. She grabs her full breasts and rubs over them to get the sensations flowing even more then feels a twinge of desire flip in her and her hand goes down to her throbbing clit. As she rubs her clit through the lace, she notices the teddy getting wet. After a few minutes, Lori peeks out to get Sandi to come take a look.

While getting herself off, Lori was totally unaware that she was also arousing the old man in the back room watching her on his private screen. He's been enjoying the show and while there's a break in the action, he takes his hard cock out of his pants and begins stroking. He can tell this is going to be a special day and keeps watching. He loves his job at the lingerie store, because he gets to see women getting undressed everyday, but this is a bonus -- they don't usually get off doing it! While waiting for Lori, Sandi decides to try on a black teddy and just as she gets it on, she hears Lori call for her. She enters Lori's room and her eyes light up at the sight before her. "You look HOT, Lori!" Lori grins and says, "I know! Just look at how wet this thing is!". Lori puts her leg up on the stool so Sandi can see the wetness that has gathered. Lori feels another gush of wetness at the sight of Sandi with the black lace outlining her curves incredibly. Lori reaches out and lightly runs her finger along the lace covering the top of Sandi's breast. This catches the old guy's attention and he quickly turns out the lights and locks the door then settles back in his chair to watch these two lovelies.

The lighting isn't all that great in the tiny room so Sandi bends down to get a closer look. Lori's scent fills her and she is excited by it. She rests her hand on Lori's thigh, then runs her fingers over the soaked material to feel for herself how wet it really is. She hears Lori gasp and feels Lori push against her fingers. Sandi looks up to Lori's face and they lock eyes, giving each other a knowing look that they have come too far to stop now - a silent agreement that they are both comfortable with this. Sandi pulls Lori's leg off the stool and guides her by the hips to sit down. Sandi's hands move from Lori's hips, down her legs. Sandi opens Lori's legs and moves in between them, unsnapping the crotch of the teddy in the process. The room is so small Lori puts her feet on the mirror unknowingly giving the old man a full view. Sandi runs her hands along the insides of Lori's silky thighs and pulls the teddy up to reveal a soft shaven pussy. She touches her clit, sending ripples of delight through Lori. Sandi feels herself becoming wet with anticipation. More wetness runs from Lori and Sandi runs her finger in the juice and licks it, making her own pussy beg for attention. She reaches underneath her and unsnaps the teddy that's been hugging her moist pussy so she can slip her finger in. While Lori is squeezing her tits, Sandi softly runs her tongue over Lori's pussy, flicking her clit and starts licking up the juices that are pouring out of her pussy. Lori releases a soft moan of pleasure and pulls Sandi's head deeper into her pussy. Sandi is happy to oblige and tongues her feverishly to get more of the sweet cum. Her own pussy is so hot that she starts pounding wildly with her fingers until she feels the wetness begin to drip. She can no longer wait and pulls Lori off the stool into her place. Lori is more than ready to get some cum for herself and quickly spreads Sandie's pussy to get her tongue in there. Lori pushes Sandi's feet up over her head giving her full access to the luscious pussy she craves. Sandi squirms while Lori trails her tongue over her clit, then plunges into her pussy. Lori slips her fingers into Sandi's dripping, hot box making her squeal. The old matron taps on the door to see if everything is okay. They murmur that they're fine and will be out in a minute. Sandi snaps the crotch and adjusts the teddy, peeks out to see if the matron is busy, then slips back to her room to get dressed. Lori dresses and they meet at the register and decide they have to have those teddies! The old lady gives them a curious look as their scents drift up from the fabric, but she's too proper to ask any questions. The old guy staggers out from the back room and winks at them. They just grin at each other and walk out. Back to work they go!

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