Old memories with Daddy_(0)

Old memories with Daddy_(0)

Angel, age 17, would be returning for her date with her current boyfriend. She wore a white blouse, black mini skirt and heels to give her the slight seductiveness. Under her top she wore only a thin white lace bra with matching panties under her skirt. This outfit amplified her slender body, she was sure that she would have got some tonight. As she returned home, untouched, she headed towards her room before being stopped by her father.

“The boys you date…such weaklings.” He stopped her in the hallway in the middle of the night catching her coming home from the date.
“I mean look at you! Coming home at mid night and still looking together. Your hair isn’t messed up, outfit isn’t ruffled. Don’t these boys ever try to put the moves on you?” He put his hand on her waist pulling Angel closer to him.

Angel looked up at her father as the pinkish tint began to burn in her cheeks as she spoke, “You know, most fathers would be proud that his daughter was not fooling around with other men.”

Her father only shook his head and a low deep chuckle erupted from his lips. “Most fathers aren’t me.” He pulled her closer to him so she could feel his cock against her. “Fuck, I can’t believe you went out dressed like that and came home unfucked.” His hands roam down her body freely groping his own daughter as he whispers into her ear, “Saving this little cunny for daddy huh?” Her father looked his daughter’s eyes not having used that word since she was ten…since he stopped…

The blush on Angel’s cheeks only began to burn more as her father whispered in her ear and touched her body. Angel slowly began to recall her distance memories of her and her father. After she had reached the age of 14, she began to dress less conservative and began to show more than what society deemed normal for a girl her age. She only wished for the attention of her father and if she could not get his she would take whoevers she could. Angel knew one day her father would break and take her again, it just took time.
Angel’s father pressed her against the hallway wall. “Fuck, listen to me baby doll; no one can ever know I do this to you.” He was breathing heavy as he held her hands above her head by her wrists. His large hands would be holding both her wrists to the wall as his lips brushing against hers in a soft forbidden kiss. “Say yes Daddy I’ll never tell…”

Her breathing began to quacking as she watched her father. She nodded her as she felt his lips meet hers as she spoke softly, “Daddy, I’ll never tell...”

Daddy... That word just sang in his ears from her lips. He loved hearing her say that instead of father. Their relationship had gotten so serious as she grew older, but she had learned to be his little girl again. He kept her against the wall as he kissed her and teased her nipples.

She watched his expression as he continued to hold her. Soft moans escaped her lips as he teased her already sensitive nipples. “Daddy… I’ve missed you doing this….”
He took her to his bedroom and sat her down on the bed. “I stopped because I was afraid you’d get pregnant baby…” He stripped out of his pjs and climbed on top of his little girl.
Angel rested on the bed as she watched her father undress. As he climbed on top of her she kissed him softly like he had her when she was a child. She looked up at him curiously as she spoke, “Why now then Daddy?”

He spread her legs and started to rub her cunny through her thong. “I’ve been waiting and waiting for you to come home well fucked and pregnant, but it just isn’t going to happen… unless I do it.”

Angel spread her legs for her him as she moaned softly as he began to rub her. “ Why have you been waiting for that daddy?” She asked him between moans.

He took her thong off and smiled. “Bald.. just like it was when you were little…” He licked his lips loving that his teenage girl was shaved and wet.” I was waiting because it’s very wrong for a daddy to put a baby in his little girl.”

She let him slip off her thong as she continued to blush and watch her father. “I always kept it bald for you daddy and also daddy, no one would have to know, you could put me on birth control.” She sat up kissing him deeply, down his jaw line, and down his neck smiling.
He made a low sensual throaty sound as she kissed his neck. "Such a perfect mouth. For me huh? What else are you willing to do for Daddy? What will you do for Daddy's love...? "he took her hand and placed it on his thick hard cock.

Her eyes met his, the same eyes that had looked up at him years ago. The little girl with eyes full of lust for her daddy. As her hand was moved to his cock, she remember as a kid how you enjoyed her stroking it with her small hands as she began to stroke it slowly just as she had done as a child. “I'll do anything Daddy..”
"Ohh fuck!" he moaned as he felt her eagerly and skillfully play with his dick. "Good girl but I want you naked and between my legs. You're going to give Daddy wet slutty blowjob. Because that's the kind I like. I'm going to teach you to be Daddy's perfect little sex slave." he sat in the middle of the bed hard and waiting. "Oh and there's no birth control for Daddy's slut."

She smiled at her father as she began to undo her blouse and slip off her skirt. She unhooked her bra and slipped off her thong as she crawled over to her father as she had done as a child when he called upon her, but no instead of a slim flat body, her ass was well rounded and her breasts hung, swaying as she moved.

He watched her, watched the woman she had turned into. "Yeah...You’re ready for this. You want to be Daddy's breeder bitch. You want a real man to put a baby in your belly not one of those weak little boys." He grabbed her by the hair and put her face in his balls. "Inhale my scent..." As he grabbed her by the hair, she cried out softly being caught off guard. As her head was down in his crotch, her ass would be high in the air as she began sniffing his balls.

He loved how obedient she was how he had total control over her and it was through her love and lust not fear....she was already Daddy's slut. "Now lick my balls and work your way up my shaved. Angel eagerly began licking his balls getting them nice and wet covered with her saliva as she continued to lick up his cock.
He got behind her "Baby doll Daddy loves you. Such a good slut. I need to fuck." he held her ass cheeks apart as he slowly pushed the head inside her.

She whimpered a bit as he moved away from her but as he moved behind her, she knew she was in for a treat just like when she was little. She moaned softly as she felt him pushing inside her. “I love you too daddy.”

He held her hips as he fucked his cock into her. "Do you baby doll? Do you love Daddy enough to give me a baby?"

“Yes daddy, your baby girl will do anything to be a good girl for her daddy.” Angel replied as she continued to moan in pleasure.

“Baby girl you're so sexy!” He fucked her harder and teased her little asshole with his thumb. Thinking of all the dirty fantasies he'd had about her over the years of watching her develop into a woman. Filling her tight young sex with his daddy cock. The force of him fucking her forced her head towards the bed as her breasts bounced and rubbed against the bed. She shivered slightly as he teased her ass hole as her moans only seemed to get louder.

He loved how responsive she was how eager to do dirty things. "Oh you like it when I touch you here huh?" he pushed his thumb in a little more and then a second one to open her hole apart and spit inside her ass.
She shivered more as she gasped feeling him stretch her ass hole a bit “Yes daddy” As her father continued to pound her cunt, she could feel her pussy tightening around his cock as she moaned and she knew she was close to cumming already. She whimpered in pleasure to her father, “Daddy, I need to cum. I want to cum for you Daddy.”

He had removed his fingers from her ass and smacked her ass over and over leaving redness all over her ass checks. With a smirk he leaned over her body and roughly grabbed her breasts, squeezing and tugging on them. He whispered in her ear, “Cum baby doll, cum for your daddy. Show daddy how much of a little slut you are for me.”

With this, Angel moaned as she arched her back, her mouth gapping open as she panted like a bitch in heat. She pussy tightened around his cock as she cum hard whimpering in pleasure breathing heavily to catch her breath. Her father only smiled as he himself came inside his little girl spreading his seed into her womb. With this he lay beside her and brought her closer to his chest. He petted her head and kissed her softly whispering in her ear, “ You are even better than I remember baby doll…”

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