Wife wants another baby_(1)

Wife wants another baby_(1)

This is a fictional story involving me my wife and her step-grandfather

My wife, Nicole and I have been married for 7 years and have three wonderful children. We live in a smaller town and most people here are close friends and lots of family. When our first son was born he was diagnosed with a syndrome and that's when we found out that both of us carry a gene. After our second son to be diagnosed with the syndrome when decided that I should have a vasectomy to prevent more children to be born with a serious medical condition.
It has certainly been a hard road, being a parent of medically challenged kids. Our sex life became monotonous, and fewer times between.
During our last romp at it, I asked in an erotic way, "Do you want me to knock you up? Huh? Put another baby inside you?"
The idea of impregnating her was always a huge turn on for me Talking this way almost made me cum right then. It definitely startled her though and it was right when she was climaxing, so I thought it must have turned her on too . I was quickly mistaking, because she stopped hard and in a very serious non sexual tone said, "What the fuck? You know we can't have anymore, why would you tease me like that?!"
Wait, did she just say 'tease'? I thought.
She rolled off me, even though I hadn't finished, and went to the bath room. When she got back I was in my shorts again, when she said, "Do you want me to get pregnant again?"
I was slightly taken back. Is she mad at me? Where is she going with a question like this?
"Um, well yea, I always wished we had at least one healthy child, you know for future generations...but I know it won't happen because I'm sterile now."
"But I'm not" she said like a hammer in a loud voice. The words almost echoed in the quiet room.
Finally what seemed like forever I bought the courage to pursue the conversation.
"How do you suppose we do this? Fertility clinics are too pricey"
"There are other ways"
"Are you saying what I think your saying? Do you want to have another baby, but with another man?"
"No! Not at all! Well...kinda. I guess he'll have to provide that part we're missing, but it'll be our child."
Wow, I thought, this is actually happening. This has been a fantasy of mine for some time. During our first year of marriage, she cheated on me and wound up pregnant, she didn't know who the father was, either me or him, but sadly we lost the baby during the first trimester. I was ready for a divorce after I found out but stayed with her for the kids. That was the only time that I know of that she cheated. Since then I have forgave her to keep face, but deep down the hurt scared over with taboo fantasy that has been growing for some time now. What she doesn't know is that I have a deep library of crazy fetishes tucked in my mind including cuckolds. So if she's willing to travel with me in this wonderland she doesn't know how far this white rabbit can take her.
"You want me to let you fuck some other guy and have him knock you up, then cuckold me and make me raise it?" I said this in a tone to let her know who was going to be in control.
"Never mind! I don't know what I want, I'm sorry." She started to get upset. She came and sat on her side of the bed with her back to me and her face in her hands. She wasn't crying, but you could since the embarrassment of the idea she had said out loud, unknowing that I planted that seed first. I set up and placed my hand on her back and rubbed it. I came up behind her and got close to her ear as I rubbed her shoulders and softly spoke, "it'll need to be someone we trust not to tell, or a complete stranger."
"I know, that's the flaw in this. Who in the hell do we know that would be up for something like this? I certainly can't chance it with a stranger, I don't believe I could bring myself to do that"
One of the deepest of my taboo fantasies is incest, especially that idea of pregnancy as a result. I have never experienced it, and because we are both carriers of this genetic mutation, there is know telling who else in our family has it too. Except one. Nicole's grandfather. Technically he is her step grandfather. Shortly after her grandmother had her mother, the father of her mother ran off. The grandmother re-married a few years later to William. So technically there is no blood relation.
I was ready to set my trap now. I would have to convince her some how to let her Grandfather fuck her and impregnate her.
"Who are you thinking about?" I asked her.
"I don't know, it's weird to actually think about having sex with someone else. Especially someone I know. And it can't be too far from your build and eye color and hair type. The baby has to be convincingly yours"
"Wow, I'm not going to lie, this is actually turning me on. The thought of you having sex with someone right in front of me..."
"Oh no, huh uh. I couldn't do that in front of you! It would be too weird! I don't know about that"
"What the hell? Um, no I will be there for the whole thing. 100% or no babies"
"No" she said and put her hands back over her face. "Ok" she muffled through her fingers. "But who?" She asked.
"Would you be up for a family member to help out?"
Her hands dropped suddenly with a slap on her naked thy. She slowly turned to me with an open mouthed shocked face and I cut her a devilish grin.
"And who do you supposed out of your family would be up for that?" She said sarcastically.
"I wasn't talking about my family..."
"Oh...wait, it's sick. That's incest! I can't do it with my family!"
"What about Papa Will?" There! It was out. The pregnancy seed has been planted and I just watered it with incest. Her mouth shut, like she was thinking about it for a second. She then stood up went to the dresser and pulled out her night clothes, and said, "I'm done talking about this for tonight" and came back in bed and fell asleep with her back to me.
I laid there for what felt like eternity and thought about her fucking her grandfather. Let me tell you a little about the man. He's 84 years old to begin with. I think the idea of him fucking at that age is so hot. Nicole just turned 30 and still looks 21, so that mash up gets me so hard. He's a sweet old man. He never fathered any children of his know, but raised Nicole's mother and aunt since they were babies, and helped raise Nicole too. Nicole's grandmother passed away before I met her, so she's never been apart of my picture. He regularly attends church and pretty much stays quiet. He loves the great-grandchildren and is an overall loving huggable man. He would do anything of his granddaughter. But would he do this? I'm sure he's still fertile, but can he even get it up?

Part two.
The next morning she didn't say a whole lot while getting ready for the day. Normally we banter back and forth about the sex romp the night before, but she seemed very distant and quite lost in thought. The next few days passed and then weeks. I started to give up the thought until one night after a long stressful work week, she opened a bottle of wine. She got a little toasty. After she fumbled trying to put the kids to bed, which I got a laugh at, she pushed me back into our bed room and locked the door. She never locks the door, but I took it as a sign she meant business. She turned around and looked me square in the eye as she stripped aggressively saying "Do you wanna see me get fucked? Huh?"
I just watched to see what was next while slipping my shirt off to get ready.
"You want me to sit on his lap? Is that it? Some fucked up fantasy you got? Watching your perky little wife get fucked by an old geezer"
And with that she dove her hand under her panties and started fingering herself with her back against our bed room door. I approached her, grabbed her head and attacked her lips with mine. I pushed her to the bed, but she stumbled a little and fell with her chest on the mattress and her pantie clad ass in the air. I pulled her panties to the side and exposed her wet pussy and ass whole and dove a finger into her. I had never fucked her this forcibly before and I didn't know where to go next. Her breathing was heavy and I heard a muffle command swear me in my next direction.
"Fuck me Pappa! Let me feel it deep"
With that I freed me erection from my gym shorts and lined it but, but didn't penetrate. I held it there moving the head of my dick up and down her slit making sure to hit her clit hard. She rared up, letting her fall on her back and pushed her pussy on my dick. There was no more prolonging. "YES, fuck. me. hard." she said with every thrust.
"What do you want baby-girl?" It was a name her Pappa called her often.
"Your cum, Pappa, please help me" she started to climax hard and pushed her ass hard against my pelvis. Her pussy lock around my dick, she was milking it for all it had. I came so hard that night imagining me knocking her up. Thank goodness I had been clipped or this would have been baby number 4.
Exhausted, she crashed. Eyes closed and panting, she just laid there. Her faded mom panties sinking back to covering up her leaking pussy, I had to get a feel. She's never let me play with a cream pie before, but she was basically passed out. I reached for her pussy with my finger tips under her mound, I explored her sopping whole with my thumb. She moaned a little and very softly giggled and push back against me. I had to taste it now too. My face was already inches away and my the time she could push me off I would have gotten what I want. So I dove in. Like a dog with ice-cream I tore into her with my tongue. She jumped a little and started to get up but lushed her ass back down and against me face with my other arm. She wasn't really trapped but acted like it, and soon was sobered up to another intense orgasm. "Oh fuck!" She belted out louder than I expected. I was worried she would wake the kids. "Mmmm, you are so fucked up!" She said in a serious tone, but pushed hard against my tongue to finish her high. The taste of her pussy was unexpectedly delicious. The sweaty must smell and taste of my cum mixed with her bitter yet sweet aroma of her juices was wonderful. I wish I could bottle it up and sell it. I broke away and went to the bath room and washed off, and when I got back she was in her night shirt and shorts already asleep. Next morning should be fun I thought, before going to sleep myself.

Part 3:
The next morning Nicole slept in late and had a pretty nasty hang over. She didn't remember much of the night before and even how the sex was. I told her it was pretty hot and she gave me a dirty grin like she knew what we did, or what I did.
Over the next few weeks Nicole was surprisingly playful and very horny. We had sex several more times but she never brought up her grandfather again and I started to think that moment had past.
Then one weekend she invited him over for lunch after church. The kids enjoyed Papa and we all had a nice afternoon. Nicole wore a flowing sundress that she typically wore to church but I always thought it was too short. If she bent over in just the right way you could get a good shot of her pantie clad ass and pussy. It was always hot to me but she prudishly would role her eyes at me and tug at it when I tried to peek. It was interesting to me that she wore that dress the day her grandfather came over until I saw her bend straight over in front of him to pick up some toys in the floor. When she bent over I saw to my delight she was not wearing anything under it. This was not typical for her, and her cute ass and pussy were completely visible to me and her grandfather sitting on the couch. She lingered there for a bit giving us a wonderful show. Her pussy lips were sticking out and I could tell she had shaved. I glanced over at William and his eyes were locked. Once she rose up she asked if I could help her in the kitchen. When I got there she was leaned up against the sink, panting a little and red in the face. She whispered to me, "I can't believe I just did that!"
"Wow neither can I! That was so hot!" I whispered back.
"Do you think he saw me?"
"Oh yea, I checked. He was glued to your ass"
She almost fainted.
"What should I do next?"
"So you telling me you're going to go through with it?"
"I still don't know yet, but ever since we brought it up it's all I can think about."
"I wonder if he would even do it?"
"I'm a little scared to ask"
We kept whispering back and forth alone in the kitchen and lost a little time. We heard the kids getting loud in the living room so we stop our conversation before it got out of hand.
"So what is it that you are scared to ask me baby-girl?" William's voice startled us.
If my wife's face could have been any redder she would have been a tomato. She was at a loss of words and totally embarrassed he had over heard. I wasn't sure what he had heard so I started to clear the air with, "oh it's nothing, girl problems. She wasn't talking about you."
William gave me a look like he was wrong about butting in and started to turn around and leave the room.
"We want another baby" Nicole said to my surprise.
William stopped and turned. He looked a little confused.
"But didn't you have a vasectomy?" He asked me.
"Well, that's our problem." I answered.
"We were going to ask you, papa, if you would be the donor." Nicole added.
William sat down at the table and thought for a moment.
"Was this what you were going to ask me?"
He sat quietly for a while and I was beginning to feel uncomfortable about the whole thing. Nicole was still flush in the face and glued to the counter. It's like she was frozen. Finally he said, "Anything for you baby-girl."
And with that she smiled and went to him. She sat on his lap and hugged him. I was still aware that she didn't have any panties on and I noticed her dress was up. Her bare ass and pussy were rubbing on his pants as she hugged him. About that time the kids interrupted and I started to realize it was their nap time. So I left Nicole on her grandfathers lap and put the kids down for their naps. I walked back into the kitchen just as Nicole got up from his lap. There was a wet spot on his trousers and I could see a slight bulge in his pants. The house was finally quiet and we had time to ourselves.
William asked Nicole, "So, Love, how do we do this? Do I need to make an appointment with a doctor or something?"
"Doctors are too expensive" I chimed in before he could make plans to not have sex.
"Yea" Nicole said, "Sex."
"Whoa" William replied and looked at me.
I shrugged to him with a coy look and grinned.
At this point Nicole was red again and couldn't make eye contact with either me or her grandfather. She just stared off into space.
"Ok, when will you be ovulating again?"
"I am ovulating right now" she replied.
"Hmm. Is that why you felt the need to not wear any under garments?" He chuckled.
"Ha, I guess I was trying to seduce you." She said embarrassingly. "I thought if I felt sexy then I might go through with it, I didn't know you noticed."
William looked down at the wet spot in his pants.
"I noticed alright, and as far as you being sexy, I never thought of you this way, but you are just lovely. I have always thought you were a beautiful young woman."
Nicole blushed a little with that compliment and went to him again. She grabbed his hand and helped him stand and they walked into the living room silently. William sat on the sofa and Nicole stood in front of him. I leaned against the doorway from the kitchen watching all that was happening and my cock started to get hard. Without saying a word Nicole reached for his lap and unzipped the old man's fly. He helped her fish out his dick and I was shocked to see it starting to rise with out any pills. He cock was also much larger than I expected. It was very dark and thick. His grey pubs sprouted out around the base of it out of his zipper. Nicole hesitated for a second, closed her eyes, then began to stroke his cock a few time to get it hard. I watched in amazement as he grew to about 7 inches and as thick as a baseball bat. He leaned back and closed his eyes as she crawled on top of her grandfather and played with his cock on her wet pussy under her church dress. After a minutes she took her hands out from under her dress and sat down completely on his lap sinking his dick old man dick inside her moist pussy. He looked up and saw her eyes staring back at his. I knew he was fully inside her. I couldn't believe my eyes. There on my couch, in my house, my wife was impaled on her own grandfathers hard dick and grinding. She let out soft moans as he pushed up to meet her thrusts. They started rocking back and forth. Her clit was rubbing against his pants and she closed her eyes again. She was getting lost in her own world as she slowly fucked her grandfather. I was rock hard and started to get my own dick out to stroke it when I noticed our son walking into the living room. He walked around to the couch before I could stop him and asked, "Mommy, what are you doing?"
Both William and Nicole's eyes shot open and she started to spring up but he held her tight against him keeping his dick inside her as she started to struggle to get off. He started to buck under her and she quickly darted her eyes at me. Her neck and face were red and I could tell she was about to orgasm. She started to answer out son's question but her breath left her voice behind. She howled out at moan of ecstasy and William grunted long and hard. We all watched as he was unloading his first dose of semen into his granddaughter right in front of his great grandson, her son looking at them questionably.
"You mom still likes to get horse rides from Papa sometimes," I said as I approached him and walked him back to his room. "I know it's silly but she really likes it." I added.
I walked past the new lovers and Nicole but her lip and glared at me with pure lust. William was completely spent and had his eyes closed.
When I got back into the living room Nicole was still empaled on her grandfathers cock but was laying with her head on his chest and her eyes closed. I moved to the couch and rubbed her back as she sat there smiling. I could smell the sex in the room and I reached down to lift her dress that had covered all of the real action. There in my sight was the most beautiful thing. In all my years of perverted thoughts I never imagined I would see this. Nicole's cute little bare ass was sitting on her grandfathers trousers, with his dick out of the zipper and stuffed into her tight little pussy. Cum was dripping around his shaft and pouring out from the walls of her vagina. It was so hot and delicious looking. I lifted her ass a little and she raised up allowing his big dock to snake out of her. A thick white gob of cum was still her hole and I ran my finger down her ass to it. I scooped up the cum and pushed it further into her pussy. She moaned and squirmed a little when I did this pushing her pussy further on my finger. I took my finger out and brought it to my mouth for a taste. It was everything I wanted, and I think everything she wanted. I returned my finger for another scoop but this time brought it to her mouth. She kept her eyes closed and opened her mouth sucking in her grandfathers cum of her husbands finger. William was still laying there with his eyes closed and suddenly snored himself awake. Apparently he was fallen asleep after all that. I don't blame him, he was still an 84 year old man. I'm surprised he was even able to do what he did.
Nicole rose up and gave him a sweet peck on the lips and whispered, "thanks Papa. That was amazing."
"Haha well I'm glad I could help"
"I love you" she said and gave him kiss in the lips and hugged him tight.
"I love you too baby-girl."
Nicole slowly started to lift herself off of her grandfather and quickly cupped her hand under her leaking pussy. She went to the bed room and grabbed some tight fitting panties and put them straight on with out even cleaning herself.
William leaned forward and stuffed his cock back into his pants and started to stand. I helped him to his feet and asked if he was alright. He chuckled and stretched his back saying, "Boy, you have a lovely wife and a wonderful family. I'll be alright, I'm just a little tired now. I'm glad I could help. I quite enjoyed that myself."
He started to walk towards the door to leave when Nicole stepped out of the bed to meet us. She gave him thanked him again and gave him another hug and a kiss. This time the kiss lasted a little longer than normal and I swear she was trying to tongue him, but he made little effort to respond. They said they're good byes and I walked him to his car. He shook my hand in one of those old man firm handshakes and looked me in the eyes. "I'm really starting to feel guilty about all this, I hope that wasn't hard for you."
"Sir, we have been talking about this for a while, and I could imagine any other man to father my child, thank you."
The handshake turned into a hug and I quietly spoke in his ear, "This is our secret, of course."
"No one would believe me if I told them" he grinned.
And with that he was gone.
When I returned to the house Nicole was sitting in their spot on the couch with an energetic glow. I smiled at her and said, "Nicole, that was the absolute hottest thing I have ever seen in my life."
"Thanks, yea that was wild. I can't believe he went through with it. And preformed the way he did!"
"Oh yea, what did you think about his dick? It looked huge!"
"He certainly filled me up!"
She pulled her dress up a little and I could see the wet cotton of her panties soaked with his cum.
"Damn you're hot. Want something to help wash that cum down?"
"Maybe later, I'm going to let it soak in for a bit"
The rest of the day we pretended to go back to normal, but the thought of my wife walking around the house with her grandfathers cum in her pussy gave me a chub most of the evening.
That night we had some of the best sex. I moved in and out of her cunt with so much ease from her newly stretched hole and the extra lube that was left over from his dump. I came three times inside her before I was spent. She probably could have had more but we called it a night and went to sleep. We promised each other that we would not do anything like it again. The next day we resumed our typical life style and waited for the time for a pregnancy test.

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