Events that lead up to our 'Experimentation' phase

Events that lead up to our 'Experimentation' phase

Like most high school kids, there were a bunch of us that hung out alot. We'd joke around, give each other a hard time, tease each other, normal kid stuff. And like most groups of kids that age, some of us had cars, and some of us had to borrow our parents' from time to time...

It was the weekend, and we had decided to go to a popular hangout, a lake about an hours drive away, that had slides and platforms to jump from, probably best described as the 80s equivalent of a water park. By today's standards it wasn't much, but there were normally a lot of people there on summer weekends (and lots of girls for us to oogle at) and it was fun.

After we piled in the car to head home after a long day horsing around, we headed out, and it became clear pretty quick that we were all tired. I started to nod off, but felt bad for our driver, Frank. I asked, he assured me that he was good for the drive home, and to go ahead and sleep. I leaned back and settled in for the drive.

I don't know how long I had been out for, but when I awoke I noticed that Ken, my backseat companion, had also fallen asleep, and in doing so had leaned over on his side and was using the armrest in the middle of the backseat as a pillow. He was out. I leaned back against the door, sort of half sitting, half laying, diagonally across my side of the seat. I once again settled in and allowed myself to nod off.

The next time I stirred and awoke, I felt something resting on my torso. I glanced down, and saw that it was Ken's arm. While his hand came to rest across me on my hip, his wrist was resting directly on my dick. And being the young and sexually inexperienced guy that I was (that we all were at that point), that was all it took, and with just that little bit of pressure I could feel myself starting to get hard... I looked, and Ken appeared to be asleep. I didn't move, tried my best to appear to continue to sleep, and tried to will my dick back down. It wasn't working. After a day of gawking at all of the bodies on the beach, just a little pressure was apparently all it took to get me going, and I could feel myself stiffening as I lay there.

Afraid of being found out and worried that my friends would tease me for being gay (not a cool thing back in those days) I tried to adjust and get out from under his arm without appearing to be awake. No good. At the same time, I noticed something else... there was something within me that thoroughly enjoyed having something else - someone else - touching my pecker. While I didn't want to be discovered, I also didn't want it to end...

I really had mixed feelings inside, but decided to try to do something about it. I 'awoke', and sat up somewhat. Sure enough, Ken, in his sleep, withdrew his arm. Not completely, but at least it wasn't resting on my now fully-hard pecker anymore. I asked Frank if he was still good to drive, to which he said he was. I adjusted, grabbed my towel and covered myself up, not so much to stay warm as to hide my hardon from showing through my swim trunks. I slid back down into my previous position to try to nod back off. It was then that I began to suspect that Ken might not have been as asleep as I had previously suspected...

As I slid back down to get comfortable and go back to sleep, Ken's arm simultaneously slid back over to its previous position, with his wrist once again wresting directly on my dick. And being fully hard, every bump we hit stimulated me as I could feel him on me. There was no way I was going to be able to sleep, so I faked it. I lay there, my mind racing as I argued within myself over the wrongness of it against the raw pleasure I was enjoying...

After just a few minutes I noticed that sometimes as we hit a bump Ken's arm would sometimes almost seem to rub my hard dick. Through barely open eyes, so as to appear asleep, I looked down to assess the situation... when I did, I saw Ken glance up ever so slightly, seeing if I was awake. A-ha! He was awake, and knew what he was doing! There was no mistake about it. I was pretty sure he didn't know I was awake, so I continued to fake sleep.

We continued that way for a number of miles, bumping along the road, me rock hard, enjoying the sensations I was receiving. Then I felt it unmistakably... he was pushing harder than he had previously... so I looked down, and as I did, saw him looking up back at me... the jig was up. He also knew that I was awake...

What he did next took me totally by surprise... he 'adjusted' in his sleep (at least it would appear that way to anyone looking on) and in doing so, pulled his arm back just a few inches... and under the towel, he straight on grabbed my dick. He squeezed it ever so slightly. It felt like electricity was coursing through my body...

This was something totally new to me. Sure, as guys we'd give each other a hard time, occasionally make jokes about so-and-so being gay or something like that, but never were serious about it. Just teenage fun, right? But this... holy crap. This was wrong, but so fun...

Ken laid there, appearing to sleep, but his hand gently began to explore my rigid tool through my shorts... I was in both heaven and hell at the same time. I didn't know what to think, but I knew I was enjoying it, and didn't want it to stop. Now it was my turn...

I 'adjusted' in my sleep, and turned my hips more toward Ken, to give him a little better access, and to also let him know that I was enjoying what he was doing. He realized what I was doing, and if what he did before surprised me, I was about to be totally shocked...

He once more 'adjusted' in his sleep, and under the cover of the towel, with his hand that was 'under' him, found the leg opening of my swimsuit. He pulled it up and away and slid his hand inside my suit to grab my dick. When he felt the mesh in my suit, I could feel him fishing to get inside, which he quickly did, and grabbed my shaft. Let me just say this... if it felt like electricity before, this felt like nuclear power or something...

Through barely open eyes I looked forward, and realized that neither of them in the front seat had the slightest idea of what was going on with Ken and I. Between knowing that they were clueless, and the horniness that I could feel quickly building inside me, I became slightly bolder. I could feel Ken slowly exploring my dick with his hand, and in return I rolled my hips, gently and slowly thrusting into his hand... I had given myself over to the situation, totaly abandoned to any feelings of guilt or wrongness, purely enjoying the lust of the situation, wanting for more...

It was at this point that apparently Ken though it would be fun to ratchet it up a notch, and push the envelope.

He pulled his hand from my shorts, which naturally made me look to see what was going on. He was looking up at me, making sure that I saw what he was doing. He quietly pulled his hand from beneath the towel, slyly looked up at me with a grin, and licked his thumb but good... He stuck his hand immediately back into my shorts, firmly grabbing my still hard prick... but this time, he ran his spit-slicked thumb on the bottom of my cockhead, right where it meets the shaft... Wow. I had never experienced anything like this... and it became apparent to me that this wasn't something that I could continue very long... the sensations, the powerful buildup inside me, it felt like it was coming from the core of my being....

Sure, at that point in my life, I had played with myself probably hundreds of times. But this was different. This was someone else doing it to me. And it was my buddy Ken, who I'd known for years, and never talked about anything like this... and it just felt like I was going to explode...

I reached over and grabbed his hand through my swimsuit, squeezing it to signal that he should stop. He did, looking up at me. I shook my head, ever so slightly, indicating no. I felt him pull his hand, indicating that he would withdraw. I let his hand go.

What I didn't notice was that his other hand stayed exactly where it was, holding open the leg of my suit...

He withdrew his hand, but this time, while coyly glancing up at me, licked his whole palm, slathering on as much spit as he could, and reached up again into my shorts, but this time with both hands... with his 'dry' hand he grabbed my shaft firmly, and with his other, gently grabbed my head, allowing it to slide around in his palm... Within me I could feel that tension... wanting him to continue, but not... and now I could feel that familiar twinge, knowing it wouldn't be long until I could no longer take it...

I once again grabbed his hand, urging him to stop. He pulled his hand out once more, licked it good, and again slid it back in my shorts exactly where it had been, and continued sliding his hand over my dick, urging me on... it had become a game. Both of us knew that if he did this much longer, I'd lose control and shoot my load. So I'd stop him, he'd pause for just a moment, and then continue to give me this slow and slippery handjob beneath the towel, licking his palm again every so often...

Suddenly I heard Frank, and my heart stopped thinking that maybe we'd been discovered. All was good, and he announced that we were approaching my house, that I'd probably want to get up and gather my stuff.

Ken and I separated and sat up. We hadn't been discovered. As I got out of the car I made sure to hold my towel low to hide the tent in my suit. I was trying to think of something to say, reaching for a reason that Ken should get out... but as I thought, everyone said bye, and just like that, they all pulled away. Now I knew exactly what was meant by the term blue-balls.

I went in the house, and to my joy discovered that my parents had gone out. It was, after all, a Saturday evening. I raced upstairs and into the shower, still hard from the activity of the afternoon. I couldn't wait to release all the tension that I was feeling...

I soaped up, grabbed my tool, and started tugging, allowing my mind to go back to the car ride...

It took almost no time and I felt that familiar feeling, my dick throbbing as it readied for liftoff... as I exploded into my palm I fantasized that it was Ken rubbing my cock, still in that backseat... I could feel jet after jet, shooting harder and farther than ever before, fueled by the taboo thought of doing this with my buddy...

I knew at that point that something was going to happen between us. I didn't know when, and I didn't know how, but I knew I was going to make it happen.

And as fate would have it, I wouldn't have to wait long....


If you want to hear more, let me know in the comments and I'll write out our subsequent adventures.

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