Finding pleasure before females

Finding pleasure before females

Went out to the barn to retrieve a few tools and as I was about to go into the shop I heard a soft moan come from the hay loft. I thought at first that it might be one of the many animals the roam freely around the farm. I went into the shop and heard the moan again. This time it did not sound like any of the animals that I knew were on the farm. So being curious, I went over and climbed one of the ladders leading to the hay loft. As my head poked up into the loft, I looked all around and did not see anything. I continued up the ladder and stepped into the loft. The only think I saw was bales stacked here and there. As I was going to go back down I heard the moan again. It came from the direction of some of the hay bales. I slowly made my way to the bales and peeked around them. My eyes grew big like sauces as I gazed on my nephew laying on the hay cover floor by one of the hay bales with his pants pulled down to his knees. His hand was around his hard cock and he was stroking his cock up and down. Here he was masturbating for all he was worth. Just then out from behind the hay bale came his brother with his cock in his hand and stood over his brother jerking off and groaned and spurts of his semen flew from his cock and landed in the loose hay His brother looked up at him and moaned “Come and suck me. I’m getting close and I want to come in your mouth.” The brother standing up got down on his knees and took the hard cock in his hand and stroked his hand up and down a couple of times and then lowered his head and engulfed the cock all the way down til his nose was buried in his brothers pubic hair. The brother whose cock was in a hot mouth thrust his hips upward, grabbed the head of his brother. “Shit, I’m cumming bro.” Just by watching his movements, I knew he was cumming in his brothers mouth.

I quietly backed up and went back down the ladder and to the shop. I went outside and waited a while til I heard the brothers as the enter the shop. “Hi uncle Jack. How are you?” “Well.” I answered. “What you two been up yo here on the farm?” “Just fooling around.” Joe the older of the two responded. Just, fooling around I thought, just fooling around.

The boys left and I felt a little dampness in my pants. This little voyeur episode must of got me a little excited as it generated a little pre lubrication from my dick. I wonder how long the boys were doing this and were they gay or just enjoying the ecstasy that comes with becoming and adult. I remembered when I approached puberty at about 10 ½ years old and how I had wet dreams and did now know what that was all about until one day while I was taking a shower and stoking on my hard dick and without warning, a very nice feeling over came me and my dick spurted white stuff and the feelings I experienced were just like those when I had those dreams and awoke to wet sheets. Now as for boys jerking off or even playing with each others dicks to me was all a part of growing up.

After I had that experience in the shower, I jerked off 3 or 4 times a day as I wanted to feel the ecstasy that with jerking my dick and shooting. I also liked to see what other guys dicks looked like and liked to watch them jerk off too. Auggie who was 12 a friend of mine who was a year older than me and we were playing around and we climbed up on the boiler room roof at school one weekend and were talking about hoe we played with out dicks. Auggie as me to see mine and having jerked off with other friends I unsnapped my jeans and worked mu dick out. It was not quit fully hard and Auggie looked and said that my dick was different than his. He then took his dick out and it was hard and the head of it was different than mine. It had some skin over it where as my dick did not. I learned later that this was a foreskin and all boys were born with this and some had their foreskins cut off. This was known as circumcision. Well any way, Auggie told me that he saw his parents going to it one night and that his dad was behind his mom giving it yo his mom like dogs mating. This talking made me hard and Auggie was also hard. Auggie said “You be mom and I’ll be dad.” So I pulled down my jeans and turned by back towards Auggie and went down on my hands and knees and Auggie mounted me and started to thrust his hips forward and I gelt his hard dick hit my ass. After a minute or so Auggie took his dick and pressed it against my asshole. His dick wouldn’t go in so he spit in his hand and rubbed it around my asshole. This felt kind of pleasant and then Auggie rubbed his dick head against my asshole and it began to slide up my ass. Auggie went back to his thrusting as his dick felt better the more his dick slid in and out of my asshole. While Auggie was busy with my asshole, I had reached back and was jerking my erect dick in time with Auggie. All of a sudden Auggie groaned and lunged real hard I felt his hot sperm shooting in my asshole. I jerked my dick faster and a warm feeling engulfed my loins and I shot stream after stream of sperm from my dick. When Auggie stopped shooting his sperm, he pulled back and his dick popped out of my asshole. We both laid back and let our breathing slow down and then told each other how goo it felt although my asshole was a little sore.

Auggie and I had other adventures together. There was a neighbor who Auggie and must of caught her eye. One day she said that she would show us hers if we showed her ours. So we agreed and we alone with her in the house and told her she could show us hers and er would do the same. She agreed and we went in one of the bedrooms and she pulled down her jeans and under pants and Auggie an I saw a bald slit between her legs, “See.” she said and reached down to her slit and with a hand on each side of her slit, pulled open the lips on the sides of her slit.. Auggie and I peered with great interest at her little pink hole. She than reached down and pulled up her jeans and said “I showed you mine now show me yours.” I looked and Auggie and then I undid my jeans, slid my under ware down and my dick popped into view. She then came over and reached her hand out and touched my dick which made it jerk up a bit. Auggie came over to us put his hand on her ass and she let go of my dick and turned and ran out the door. Auggie aggressiveness must of been to much for her as she never did hang around with us anymore.

As we got older we did less and less together and went our separate ways.

My brother and I shared the same bed and one night I woke up feeling his hat, hard cock poking between my ass cheeks. I already had a hardon and as he was trying to get his cock to go up my ass, I reached back and took his hand and brought it my throbbing cock. “Jerk me, jerk me!” I then reached back and spread my ass cheeks and guided his cock head to my wrinkled hole. His cock was emitting its lubricating juice and I rubbed the juice around my ass hole and he gave a push and his cock head pushed past my tight sphincter and popped into my ass. “Jerk me as you fuck my ass!!” I moaned. “Your ass is so hot.” he said and shoved all his cock into my ass. I put my hand over his and stroked my pulsing cock. Now my brothers cock has quit a upward curve went it is erect and when he stands, his cock points to the sky. As he drove his cock up my ass, the curve in it was just right that the head hit my prostrate and sent a shock through my loins. He pulled back and drove his cock bank in may ass hitting my prostrate again and this time I couldn’t hold back and my sperm shot up my cock and spurted all over the bed. He must of felt his cock hit my prostrate as he grunted and rammed his cock in my pulsating ass as far as it would go and I felt his hot cum shooting in my ass.

This was not the first or last time we had sex with each other. Sometimes we would jerk each other off or give each other head til we unloaded in each other.

Now watching my nephews sucking cock made me yearn to have hot cock cumming in my mouth. So the next day when I was in the barn, my youngest nephew came in and we were talking idly and I walked over to him and put my hand on his crotch and squeezed. He looked at me in a surprised look and then reached down and squeezed my hand and rubbed his crotch with both hands. I could feel his cock rising through the material of his pants as we kept massaging his crotch. He then removed my hand and undid his jeans, reached in and pulled his expanding cock out of his pants and stoked his cock.

I could not resist and dropped to my knees and took the head of his cock in my mouth and with my tongue traced around the rim of his cock head. This made his cock twitch and I let his cock slide deeper into my mouth. “Your mouth is so hat.” he groaned and began to pump his manhood in and out of my hot wet mouth. I was enjoying every second his hard cock was in my mouth. It wasn’t long he grabbed my head and drove his hops forward until he had his entire cock in me. He shuttered and I felt his cock expand and I felt the heat of his hot sperm shooting from his cock. His knees buckled a bit as he was emptying his load in my mouth, bet he recovered and finished cumming.

My nephew now withdrew his now limp cock from my mouth and looked down at me. “You game the best blowjob I have ever had uncle. Stand up and I’ll return the favor.” I stood up and unzipped my jeans and released my still hard cock from its confides. “Wow! You must be 8 inches uncle.” “ I want all of that in my ass.” I thought he was going to give a blowjob, and he wanted me to fuck his ass. Now I prefer to fuck him in the ass as I enjoy this better that a blowjob whereas it’s tight, hot and I would be able to get all of my cock into him.

“Lets go up in the hay loft.” I said as I pushed my hardon back into my jeans. We went over to the ladder and climbed up to the hay loft. Once in the loft I said “go over to those hay bales and knee and lie across the bale.” My nephew walked over to the hay bale, undid his jeans and pulled them down and knelt over the hay bale. T then got behind him and undid my jeans, pushed them to my knees and my cock sprung free. I looked at his ass. “Spread your cheeks.” and he reached back and with his hands spread his ass cheeks revealing his wrinkled, hairy asshole. I put my hand on his asshole and then rubbed my finger around the outside of his sphincter. His sphincter twitched at my touch and I began to stroke my cock and as my lubrication oozed from my cock hole, I rubbed by cock head against his asshole. I pushed and his sphincter move a little. I needed more lube so I pulled m cock back and spit on his asshole and then worked my finger around the pushed past his sphincter muscle. He flinched and as I reamed his hole with my finger. I then pulled my finger from his tight hat ass and pushed my cock head against hole and this time it stretched his sphincter and slid in his ass. “You’re so big uncle. Don’t hurt me!” my nephew cried. “Relax, relax your ass and you’ll be able to take all my cock.” After a few strokes, her relaxed his sphincter and I buried my cock into his ass until in was all in him. “Oh my God uncle, your cock is hot. It feels good in my ass. Fuck my ass uncle, fuck my ass!!!!” he yelled. I pumped him as hard as I could driving my cock to th hilt with every lunge. “Give it to me uncle, give me your cum. I want to feel you cumming in my ass!!!!” His words were enough to put to the point of no return and I rammed my cock as deep in his ass as I could and let loose jet after jet of hot sperm deep in his ass.

After coming down from my orgasm, I pulled my limp cock from his ass and we both got dress and left the barn. He told me that it was the first time that he had taken a cock as large as mine in his ass and was sure it touched places never touched by a cock before. I told him “My cock is actually 21 cm long and 4.5 cm in diameter and most women that I been with say the have never been filled as much as when they were when they had me.”

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