

Mia woke up suddenly. She looked at the clock. It was off. "No power." she thought. Light was coming through the blinds on the window but it still felt like it was the middle of the night. She got up to go to the window. As soon as she threw off the covers chills went through her body. It was a cold November night, and since the heater wasn't on, it was cold. The fact that she was only wearing a night shirt and her panties didn't help either. She folded her arms as she walked over to the window. She opened the blinds a little bit and the light was blinding, as if someone was shining a spotlight right at her room. "Great," she thought. "What the hell are the neighbors doing?" She walked over and grabbed her pajama bottoms from the floor. She was about to go wake her parents but she decided to look out the window one more time.

This time she opened the blinds all the way. The light was intense. She shielded her eyes from the blinding glare. Suddenly, the light turned a bluish color. It wasn't as bright, so she uncovered her eyes, but it still blinded her. But she started to feel weird. The light was mesmerizing her; she felt a strong urge to go to the light. Her body was oddly warm, and her arms and legs started to tingle. She was scared out of her mind, but she didn't look away; she felt like she was literally a deer caught in the headlights.

She started to feel lighter, and before she knew it, she started to lift from the ground. At this point she tried to scream, but nothing happened. She screamed as hard as she could, but no sound came out. Transfixed on the light, she tried to turn away but she couldn't. As she levitated there, her body tensed and she dropped her pajamas. Then she started moving forward towards the window. Horrified, she tried to scream again but still no sound came out. She was afraid that she was going to hit the window, but when she reached it, she went right through it. It felt like walking through spider webs.

Now outside, floating out of her second story window, she was even more terrified. For a split second, she was embarrassed that her neighbors would see her in her panties, but she didn't think about it for very long. Mia was now 20 feet from the ground and rising fast. The light was getting brighter and brighter, and as she got close, she started blacking out. Before she made it all the way to the source of the mysterious light, she passed out.

When she woke up, the lights were shining in her face again. But this time her eyes adjusted to the light and she could see. She was in a small room, lying on her back on top of a table in the middle. Her legs were spread out and her feet and hands were strapped to the table. The room was round with a dome ceiling. The walls and ceiling were made of shiny black metal with green and red lights blinking here and there. There looked like a high tech touch screen computer on the wall and one bright light on the top of the dome. Other than that and the table, there was nothing else in the room; she couldn't find a door. She tried screaming for help again, and this time she let out an ear-shattering cry. A few minutes went by. Nothing.

Mia started thinking. She woke up to the power being out. A bright light pulled her out of her comfy bedroom and through her window. Now she was trapped in a high-tech looking room. Being a 17 year old girl, she had watched plenty of scary movies, and realized quickly that she had been abducted by aliens. At first, Mia couldn't believe it. She had to be dreaming; this could never actually happen. But it felt too really to be a dream. "Someone must be tricking me," she thought. But it seemed too real to be a trick, and what happened next proved to her that it was the real deal.

Suddenly, to her left, the wall opened and she realized that was the door. Then, her worst fear came true. What came through the door was nothing short of a monster. It had legs and arms, like a human, but its hand had 3 fingers with two inch claws, and its feet had 4 curved claws. Its entire body was smooth, glossy, dark grey skin that looked fleshy but muscular. Its little eyes were yellow, it had a big mouth with sharp, serrated teeth, and no nose. It had a 5 foot long tail and 5 tentacles, two on each side under its arms, and on his groin, where a human penis would be. On all five tentacles, there was a hole at the end, making them resemble an elephant’s trunk, only as big around as someone's arm. At over seen feet tall, the alien stood over her and hissed.

Mia screamed. She was scared out of her mind. As she screamed, the alien covered its ear holes (which were located close to where a human's are, though farther forward) with his tentacles and growled at her loudly. She screamed so hard that she was lightheaded. The alien reached one of its tentacles over to her face and sprayed her with a blue gas. When she breathed it in, her scream became a higher and higher pitch until it died away and she couldn't scream anymore. She tried to say something but she couldn't, the gas had taken away her voice. The alien uncovered its ears and walked over to the table.

With its claws, it ripped her shirt and threw it to the ground. It looked at her modest sized tits for a second and then rubbed each of them with a tentacle. Mia was horrified, but she started to moan silently and her nipples got hard. The tentacles started to secrete a pale green liquid that covered her breasts. This made her breasts start to tingle. Then the monster's tentacles stuck onto each nipple like a suction cup. They started to squeeze and suck each nipple. She shortly realized that the alien was milking her! The stuff it had squirted all over her breasts were making her produce milk, and now it was sucking it up in its tentacles.

She kept trying to scream, but it was no use. She was so afraid that her whole body was shaking and she felt like she was going to throw up. As the alien milked her, he used his claws to rip off her panties. Now she was completely naked and her shaved pussy was exposed and vulnerable. The rubbing and sucking of her tits, as much as it horrified her, had turned her on so she was nice and wet. With the tentacle that was where a penis would be, it rubbed her wet cunt. She shuttered and tried to scream again, to no avail. The rubbing stopped and she looked down. From the hole in the tentacle, a slimy, red shaft that could only be the alien's cock came out. It was slimy and firm, but fleshy and flexible. The tip was thin but it grew to be about as big around as a soda can, and was a foot long. The slimy cock wiggled around and then buried itself in her pussy. She shivered all over as the alien cock wriggled and slid deeper in her. She wasn't a virgin, so it wasn't as painful, but as it went farther in and got bigger and bigger, it stretched her out. Had she not been brought to an alien ship and raped against her will, she would be having the time of her life.

Her pussy was tight against the slimy cock as it slid in deeper. When it went in about ten inches, it stopped sliding deeper. She felt it wiggling around inside her. It was a weird but intensely pleasing sensation. Soon the alien cock started pulsating, like it was trying to pump something inside of her. She became terrified but the feeling of the pulsating cock in her made her pussy started to clench around it. She tensed up and had a strong orgasm. It was so intense that she screamed till her face turned blue, but of course no sound came out. The slime covering its cock started to make her convulsing pussy tingle, and she started to orgasm nonstop. She stopped screaming and tried to breath, overwhelmed by her repeated orgasms. As the cock pulsated, she felt a warm liquid starting to fill her pussy. Her belly started to extend as her womb was pumped full of liquid. Mia was so exhausted from her orgasms that she started to black out. Before she passed out, she remembered her belly being so big that it looked like she was pregnant. Then everything went black.

After Mia had passed out, the alien finished pumping his sperm into her womb. Once his dick stopped pulsing, it secreted more slime to make removing it easier. After his big alien cock was free, he brought one of his tentacles over and sprayed her pussy with a fine mist. This made it shrink and seal shut. His seed was now sealed tightly in her pussy. Satisfied, the alien left the room.

When Mia woke up, she was in her room again. She was lying with the sheets underneath her. She was completely naked. Numb and exhausted, she was unable to move. The first thing she realized was that she was no longer pregnant. However, she soon realized that there was a tiny, baby alien sucking on her nipples for milk.

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