Incredible Night

Incredible Night

Incredible Night

What was your most incredible night or day of sex? What made it so fantastic? This is mine, four years ago.

When I bought my duplex in the suburbs of Minneapolis, it meant I was here to stay for a while and I was really happy about it. A young married couple in their early twenties was renting the other part of the duplex.

I had just turned thirty-two and I already felt like I was a generation ahead of them. I had a small party to get to know the neighbors and twenty or so people showed up. Most had kids, and it appeared that everyone was on the young side, mostly twenty to forty. I found the married couple; living next to me was already having marital problems. The ‘girl’ in their partnership was a total bitch. Her name was Teresa, a pretty redhead with long legs and a really nice ass. Her husband, Albert or ‘Big Al’ as the neighbors called him, was a real nice guy, and pleasant to look at. He stood around six foot one, had wavy jet-black hair and a nice build. As soon as Al complimented me on my looks, Teresa was all over him and acting as though I were a danger to their happy little marriage. I would soon find out why Teresa was such a bitch.

The walls to this duplex were pretty thin as I could faintly hear those two yelling at each other on bad nights, or making love on the good ones. I knew our bedrooms were straight next to each other’s. Teresa worked at a local hospital as an administrator’s assistant on a nine to five, and she wore the hottest fashions. Al worked a swing shift in a manufacturing facility. After a month of living there, I became aware of Teresa’s infidelity. Every time Al was working the graveyard shift on Saturday night, I could hear Teresa was having company over. And the so-called company was fucking the shit out of her. He was either very good or very hung, or maybe both. She was definitely louder with this mystery guy than she was with her husband, Al.

I let this go on for a couple of months until Al asked if there was something going on when he was working the graveyard shift. I knew he was scared to hear the truth but I had an idea.

I suggested on the next graveyard Saturday night shift, that Al use a vacation day, not telling Teresa about it, and hiding at my place. Then he could witness this for himself. After a few weeks, the plan took shape and I was mildly aroused at what the night held.

Al left for work around ten on this hot summer night, as a full moon lit the night sky. It was dead quiet, only a few crickets chirped and an occasional car horn could be heard. At eleven thirty or so, Teresa’s company showed up. He was an average looking guy in his late thirties. He knocked once and she let him in very quickly. Ten minutes later, a cab left Al, at the end of the drive and he quickly snuck to my place. I told him to come inside. He asked me if anyone showed up yet. I described the guy as best I could, and it didn’t ring a bell for Al. We went to my bedroom and sat in the dark on the edge of my bed waiting for the show to begin.

We made some small talk for a while then we heard an audible groan from Teresa, quickly followed by a loud, ‘Jesus Christ!’ I had the bathroom light on and could see Al’s face go completely blank. Then we heard her whimpering, moaning and grunting. All the signs of a woman getting ‘fucked.’ I made sounds like that when I dated this guy that had a big one. All he did was ‘slam-fuck,’ not much fun for the woman. A lot of pain and not much pleasure. And Teresa’s pussy was getting slammed hard. Maybe she preferred it that way, I thought. Then Al turned to me, “That explains why she’s so loose and sloppy sometimes,” as I looked at Al, I was sad for him and felt this urge to kiss him and did.

I knew he wanted to give his cheating wife and her lover a good pounding. I pleaded for him to stay with me, and kept kissing him. He kissed me back with a raw passion. Lightly pressing his lips against mine, as his hand gently explored my sweatshirt. His lively tongue brushed by teeth and found its way to dance with mine. I slowly lay back on my bed pulling him on top, feeling his taunt butt and grinding my crotch against his rock hard cock. I couldn’t believe how turned on I was.

We were slowly pleasuring each other with a sensual purpose while his wife was getting her pussy destroyed in a hurried dog like fashion. We stopped briefly when we heard Teresa’s company sneak out the front door, leaving. “ Oh God, You’re beautiful,” he whispered and knelt above me, slowly pulling my sweatpants down.

I pulled his tee shirt over his head and flung it across the bedroom and started breathing heavy when his face found my damp pussy. It was clear he was in no hurry and began to torture me with his gifted tongue. My entire body was quivering and the blanket underneath my butt was wringing wet from his attention as I grudgingly pushed him off and unsnapped his jeans as he knelt in front of me. I pulled them off, and yanked his jockey shorts off releasing his rock solid cock. At that moment, I’ve never wanted a man’s cock more than I wanted his. Very average in size, but I knew he wanted to give me the best sex I ever had.

I hadn’t been laid for a while, so I was more than ready for it.. I reached for his cock as he held my face in his hands. His legs trembled as I slowly stroked it and cupped his balls all the while looking up into his green eyes; I began to lick the head. My pussy needed to be stuffed; I needed his cock but decided he would be in charge of that episode as I was along for the ride of my life.

I licked and sucked on the head while stroking his nice shaft and squeezing his great ass. I tasted a little dribble of cum and began to slow down, “No, don’t stop,” he pleaded, “ I can cum more than once.” And he proceeded to go face first into my pussy and swung around so I could suck him from below. He had me on the edge of orgasm; his tongue followed the contours of my drenched pussy, over and over. Then he lightly brushed my hard clit with the soft underside of his talented tongue. That was all it took and I was gone. The cock in my mouth muffled my screams of ecstasy, but I was definitely loud enough for his little Teresa to hear.

I guess my climax was enough for Al, as I was in the throws of an unreal orgasm, his cock began to spasm and released a hot torrent of thick cum that hit the back of my throat. I swallowed as fast as I could, but his volume was too much for me. I continued sucking and stroking his cock as it spilled into my mouth and began to trickle down my chin onto my neck. I felt more of his hot seed as it flowed down to my ear. Salty and somewhat bitter, I kept milking his cock and it remained very ridged. My new lover turned around above me and got ready to enter me.

I was already coming as he rubbed his cock up and down my slick pussy, wrapping my arms and legs around him, he sent a few inches in. I tried to be quiet but it was no use, it was all too erotic for me. I had one gut wrenching orgasm after another and he hadn’t even started stroking my pussy yet. His organ felt like a perfect fit and my vocals confirmed it to his wife. I knew she was listening against the wall. I remember screaming, “Oh God!” over and over as he slowly pumped those magical few inches in and out. He never let go of my face as he pumped me into climax heaven, kissing me all around my neck, breasts, ears, and lips.

He made love to me for two straight hours. I was near total exhaustion from having so many violent orgasms. I don’t have any idea how many I had when he finally flooded my pussy with the most cum I’ve ever had. I found myself kneeling in front of him with my head on a pillow. He was pumping me from behind now and with more intensity. I looked down at my dripping pussy, his balls bouncing off my clit. He had a firm grip on my hips as he grunted and moaned sending his cock in deep for the last time. I gasped coming again and felt him spill into me. It kept pumping out cum, more and more. I watched as he began to slowly stroke his cock in and out. Long gobs of cum began to drop out of my pussy onto my blanket. He finally collapsed on top of me, sweating and gasping. We held each other for a long time, caressing and kissing. We both knew it was an incredible night, and it would be the only one we’d share.

On a footnote, his wife Teresa had called where he worked that night he was with me and the boss told her he used a vacation day. Teresa never had her mystery guy back after that. Maybe she could smell my pussy all over his fantastic cock, when he got home. She became a pretty nice neighbor after all.

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