Slave for a Day part 3

Slave for a Day part 3

Liz looks to Chris for instructions, and he smiles at her obedience. He is reveling in having his wife give up control and she could almost kick herself for giving in without even thinking. Is she actually starting to enjoy giving up control to her husband?

“Go answer the door and send my friends to the living room, I’ll go put the game on.” Chris commands.

Liz walks to the door and as she opens it she feels the vibrator start a low buzz inside her pussy. She turns to glare at Chris but he is already in the living room so she composes herself and opens the door. Her fake smile flickers to panic and back when she sees Josh and Mike have brought a few other friends to come witness her day of servitude. Mike and Josh were at the bar last night and know about the deal, and the smile on all the men’s faces tells her they all know what is going on and plan to make the most of it. She counts 6 men as she tells them to go meet Chris in the living room. A flicker of arousal crosses Mike’s eyes as she ushers the guys in and she wonders if they all know about the vibrator inside of her, but knows Chris wouldn’t be that mean to tell his buddies that much.

As the guys hi-five Chris and settle on the couch they start demanding beers and snacks from Liz. She glares at her husband for being forced to serve his friends and is rewarded with an increase in the vibration inside of her, forcing out a small gasp as she turns and quickly runs to the kitchen. The men don’t bother to keep their conversation down as she pours the chips into bowls and places 7 beers on a serving tray.

“Damn, man you’re wife is hot!”

“Is she really doing everything you ask today?”

Liz hears Chris laugh as he points out, “Well do you really think she picked out that dress to serve you guys in today?”

“Nice man, you’re just going to tease us by putting that sexy little body on display and not let us even have a little touch?”

Chris says something Liz can’t quite make out as she feels her arousal grow from overhearing the men’s conversation. All of the guys laugh and cheer and she strains to hear more, but they start talking too low for her to hear. She knows she is on display for the guys but is not sure how to react to knowing that they know too. The vibration inside of her is driving her mad and she struggles to keep in control as she brings the tray out to the living room. The conversation stops as she enters the room. Thinking she will teach Chris a lesson, Liz bends at the waist setting the tray down on the coffee table and giving Mike and 2 other guys on the couch an almost full view of her bare breasts. Just her nipples are barely covered when she bends and it is obvious that all three men notice. The attention mixed with the vibration inside of her causes her pussy to drip and the sheer fabric of the panties Chris picked out for her is not enough to stop the drip of her cum from running down her inner thigh. Trying not to panic Liz straightens up and starts to walk back to the kitchen to try to wipe up the obvious arousal before anyone notices but Chris stops her.

“You forgot something, babe.”

“And what is that?” Liz stands still hoping to be sent back to the kitchen but the smile on Chris’s face tells her he can see what she is trying to hide and he is not going to let her get away with it.

“You’re here to serve us, bring my friends their beers.”

Liz turns and tries to squeeze her thighs together to hide the wetness between them as she delivers a beer to each man. She notices the eyes on her body as she makes her way around the room and curses her own body for being so turned on by something so degrading.

Her anger only seems to heighten her own arousal, however as she begins to look at each of the men in the room. They are all in their mid twenties and in fairly good shape. She realizes Chris has some very attractive friends, many of them play basketball together and are pretty fitness oriented. A couple of the guys have a few extra pounds from drinking a little too much beer during the week, but they are still not unattractive.
By the time Liz hands Chris his beer her pussy is dripping so much that she knows the guys must be able to see the stream of cum running down her leg. Chris runs his finger up her thigh scooping it up just as a play on TV has everyone else’s attention. He brings his finger to his mouth tasting her sweet juices before turning the vibrator back down to low as her reward for being so obedient.

Mike is sitting closest to Chris and leans over to the couple saying just loud enough for the three of them to hear “I’ll take some of that… I’ve been craving something sweet all day.”

Liz blushes as she realizes that not all of the men had their eyes on the television as Chris took a taste of her. She waits for Chris to tell Mike off for being so rude and is shocked when he pulls her to him and whispers in her ear. “Take Mike to the kitchen and have him clean you up and then come back out here.”
Liz laughs, thinking he can’t be serious, but his face tells her otherwise and she obediently looks to Mike and asks him to come to the kitchen to help her get something. The other men look on in confusion as Mike gets up and follows Liz out of the room, but are soon lost in another play of the game.

Mike smiles at Liz as they enter the kitchen alone. From the little Liz has seen of Mike’s wife she is not very outgoing and Chris has mentioned that Mike regularly complains that his sex life is not exactly exciting. Liz remembers a conversation she overheard at a party where his wife admitted to a couple of girls that she doesn’t like to give or receive oral sex and Liz had always felt a bit sorry for Mike since then. The hunger in Mike’s eyes as he looks at Liz excites her, and she erases the thought of his wife as she tells Mike, “Chris thinks I could use a little help getting cleaned up before I go back out to the living room.” She lifts herself up onto the counter and opens her legs, exposing her wet thighs and dripping pussy before continuing, “Do you think you can help me?”

Mike doesn’t need a second invitation as his tongue traces circles around her right inner thigh slowly and teasingly he doesn’t miss an inch as he licks every drop of her cum up before moving on to the other side. Liz’s pussy aches as a man other than Chris touches her skin for the first time in over 3 years. Knowing that Chris wants it drives her wild and she feels her pussy soaking through her panties.

“You’re so wet, Liz, I’m going to have to clean up that cunt if you want these thighs to stay clean and dry” Mike informs her and Liz does not protest as he slurps up the wetness from her slit. His mouth and tongue attack her dripping pussy licking and sucking out every drop and she hears his moan as his tongue slides inside her and feels the vibrator. “Chris is a lucky man” he chuckles as he eats her pussy like a starving man at a feast.

Liz bucks and moans against Mike’s mouth and it doesn’t take long before she feels her body start to convulse. “Mike, I’m cumming” she warns him and this only serves to make him suck at her harder, licking up every drop of her girl cum as it floods into his mouth.

“I think you’re good and cleaned up now.” Mike informs her as Liz catches her breath and he helps her down from the countertop, steadying her on her feet.

As they walk out into the living room the men all look at her with the same hunger Mike had in his eyes and Liz can’t help but flush as she wonders what Chris told them. She looks to Chris and sees a glare in his eyes that she doesn’t recognize and starts to get nervous about what he is planning. After what just happened in the kitchen, she realizes that nothing is off limits anymore and her heart starts to race as the men no longer seem interested in the game on TV.

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